topdownr 1.18.0
topdownr is free and open-source software. If you use it, please support the project by citing it in publications:
P.V. Shliaha, S. Gibb, V. Gorshkov, M.S. Jespersen, G.R. Andersen, D. Bailey, J. Schwartz, S. Eliuk, V. Schwämmle, and O.N. Jensen. 2018. Maximizing Sequence Coverage in Top-Down Proteomics By Automated Multi-modal Gas-phase Protein Fragmentation. Analytical Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02344
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Load the package.
Some example files are provided in the topdownrdata
package. For a full
analysis you need a .fasta
file with the protein sequence, the
files containing the method information, the .txt
containing the scan header information and the .mzML
files with the
deconvoluted spectra.
## list.files(topdownrdata::topDownDataPath("myoglobin"))
[1] ".../20170629_myo/experiments/myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e6_1.experiments.csv.gz"
[2] ".../20170629_myo/experiments/myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e6_2.experiments.csv.gz"
[3] "..."
[1] ".../20170629_myo/fasta/myoglobin.fasta.gz"
[2] "..."
[1] ".../20170629_myo/mzml/myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e6_1.mzML.gz"
[2] ".../20170629_myo/mzml/myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e6_2.mzML.gz"
[3] "..."
[1] ".../20170629_myo/header/myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e6_1.txt.gz"
[2] ".../20170629_myo/header/myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e6_2.txt.gz"
[3] "..."
All these files have to be in a directory. You could import them via
. This function has some arguments. The most important ones
are the path
of the directory containing the files,
the protein modification
(e.g. initiator methionine removal,
), and adducts (e.g. proton transfer often occurs
from c to z-fragment after ETD reaction).
## the mass adduct for a proton
H <- 1.0078250321
myoglobin <- readTopDownFiles(
## directory path
path = topdownrdata::topDownDataPath("myoglobin"),
## fragmentation types
type = c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"),
## adducts (add -H/H to c/z and name
## them cmH/zpH (c minus H, z plus H)
adducts = data.frame(
mass=c(-H, H),
to=c("c", "z"),
name=c("cmH", "zpH")),
## initiator methionine removal
modifications = "Met-loss",
## don't use neutral loss
neutralLoss = NULL,
## tolerance for fragment matching
tolerance = 5e-6,
## topdownrdata was generate with an older version of topdownr,
## the method files were generated with FilterString identification,
## use `conditions = "ScanDescription"` (default) for recent data.
conditions = "FilterString"
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): 61 FilterString entries modified because of
## duplicated ID for different conditions.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): 63 FilterString entries modified because of
## duplicated ID for different conditions.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): 53 FilterString entries modified because of
## duplicated ID for different conditions.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): 55 FilterString entries modified because of
## duplicated ID for different conditions.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): 50 FilterString entries modified because of
## duplicated ID for different conditions.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): 50 FilterString entries modified because of
## duplicated ID for different conditions.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): ID in FilterString are not sorted in ascending
## order. Introduce own condition ID via 'cumsum'.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): ID in FilterString are not sorted in ascending
## order. Introduce own condition ID via 'cumsum'.
## TopDownSet object (7.28 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 1216
## Theoretical fragment types (6): a, b, c, x, y, z
## Theoretical mass range: [30.03;16910.93]
## - - - Condition data - - -
## Number of conditions: 1852
## Number of scans: 5882
## Condition variables (66): File, Scan, ..., Sample, MedianIonInjectionTimeMs
## - - - Intensity data - - -
## Size of array: 1216x5882 (5.15% != 0)
## Number of matched fragments: 368296
## Intensity range: [87.61;10704001.00]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
AnatomyThe assembled object is an TopDownSet
Briefly it is composed of three interconnected tables:
/fragment data: holds the information on the type of fragments,
their modifications and adducts.colData
/condition data: contains the corresponding fragmentation
condition for every spectrum.assayData
: contains the intensity of assigned fragments.TopDownSet anatomy, image adopted from (Morgan et al. 2017).
This section explains the implementation details of the TopDownSet
class. It
is not necessary to understand everything written here to use topdownr
for the
analysis of fragmentation data.
The TopDownSet
contains the following components: Fragment data, Condition
data, Assay data.
## FragmentViews on a 153-letter sequence:
## Mass:
## 16922.95406
## Modifications:
## Met-loss
## Views:
## start end width mass name type z
## [1] 1 1 1 30.03 a1 a 1 [G]
## [2] 1 1 1 58.03 b1 b 1 [G]
## [3] 1 1 1 59.01 z1 z 1 [G]
## [4] 1 1 1 60.02 zpH1 z 1 [G]
## [5] 1 1 1 74.05 cmH1 c 1 [G]
## ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
## [1212] 2 153 152 16868.93 zpH152 z 1 [LSDGEWQQVLNVWG...DIAAKYKELGFQG]
## [1213] 1 152 152 16882.96 cmH152 c 1 [GLSDGEWQQVLNVW...NDIAAKYKELGFQ]
## [1214] 1 152 152 16883.97 c152 c 1 [GLSDGEWQQVLNVW...NDIAAKYKELGFQ]
## [1215] 2 153 152 16884.95 y152 y 1 [LSDGEWQQVLNVWG...DIAAKYKELGFQG]
## [1216] 2 153 152 16910.93 x152 x 1 [LSDGEWQQVLNVWG...DIAAKYKELGFQG]
The fragmentation data are represented by an FragmentViews
object that is an
overloaded XStringViews
object. It contains one AAString
(the protein sequence) and an IRanges
object that stores the
, end
(and width
) values of the fragments.
Additionally it has a DataFrame
for the mass
, type
and z
of each fragment.
conditionData(myoglobin)[, 1:5]
## DataFrame with 5882 rows and 5 columns
## File Scan
## <Rle> <numeric>
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_1 myo_707_ETDReagentTa.. 33
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_2 myo_707_ETDReagentTa.. 34
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_3 myo_707_ETDReagentTa.. 33
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_4 myo_707_ETDReagentTa.. 34
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_14_00_1 myo_707_ETDReagentTa.. 36
## ... ... ...
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_07 myo_1211_ETDReagentT.. 223
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_08 myo_1211_ETDReagentT.. 221
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_09 myo_1211_ETDReagentT.. 222
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_10 myo_1211_ETDReagentT.. 223
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_11 myo_1211_ETDReagentT.. 224
## SpectrumIndex PeaksCount TotIonCurrent
## <integer> <integer> <numeric>
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_1 22 161 27224937
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_2 23 175 29167765
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_3 23 180 26132872
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_4 24 171 25475501
## C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_14_00_1 25 172 27347105
## ... ... ... ...
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_07 203 213 2566120
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_08 202 250 2348707
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_09 203 145 2305900
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_10 203 207 2262800
## C1211.70_1.0e+06_0.0e+00_00.00_00_35_11 204 158 2212189
Condition data is a DataFrame
that contains the combined header information
for each MS run (combined from method (.experiments.csv
files)/scan header
files) table and metadata from the .mzML
assayData(myoglobin)[206:215, 1:10]
## 10 x 10 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## [[ suppressing 10 column names 'C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_1', 'C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_2', 'C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_02.50_07_00_3' ... ]]
## z26 . . . . . . . .
## zpH26 491328.4 446301.1 407389.1 473200.9 470679.3 493244.8 390025.8 389430.25
## y26 . . . . . . . 23648.63
## b27 . . . . . . . .
## cmH27 . . . . . . . .
## c27 . . . . . . . .
## x26 . . . . . . . .
## z27 . . . . . . . .
## zpH27 534307.6 534135.1 434296.8 436866.2 550887.3 513038.8 460476.4 456524.97
## y27 . . . . . . . .
## z26 . .
## zpH26 496551.3 554295.7
## y26 . .
## b27 . .
## cmH27 . .
## c27 . .
## x26 . .
## z27 . .
## zpH27 602207.0 579989.8
## y27 . .
Assay data is a sparseMatrix
from the Matrix
(in detail a dgCMatrix
) where the rows correspond to the fragments,
the columns to the runs/conditions and the entries to the intensity values.
A sparseMatrix
is similar to the classic matrix
in R but stores just
the values that are different from zero.
A TopDownSet
could be subsetted by the fragment and the condition data.
# select the first 100 fragments
## TopDownSet object (3.56 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 100
## Theoretical fragment types (6): a, b, c, x, y, z
## Theoretical mass range: [30.03;1426.70]
## - - - Condition data - - -
## Number of conditions: 1852
## Number of scans: 5882
## Condition variables (66): File, Scan, ..., Sample, MedianIonInjectionTimeMs
## - - - Intensity data - - -
## Size of array: 100x5882 (9.68% != 0)
## Number of matched fragments: 56955
## Intensity range: [105.70;1076768.00]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 56955 fragments [100;5882].
# select all "c" fragments
## TopDownSet object (4.51 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 304
## Theoretical fragment types (1): c
## Theoretical mass range: [74.05;16883.97]
## - - - Condition data - - -
## Number of conditions: 1852
## Number of scans: 5882
## Condition variables (66): File, Scan, ..., Sample, MedianIonInjectionTimeMs
## - - - Intensity data - - -
## Size of array: 304x5882 (7.69% != 0)
## Number of matched fragments: 137461
## Intensity range: [87.61;1203763.75]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 137461 fragments [304;5882].
# select just the 100. "c" fragment
## TopDownSet object (2.89 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 1
## Theoretical fragment types (1): c
## Theoretical mass range: [11085.96;11085.96]
## - - - Condition data - - -
## Number of conditions: 1852
## Number of scans: 5882
## Condition variables (66): File, Scan, ..., Sample, MedianIonInjectionTimeMs
## - - - Intensity data - - -
## Size of array: 1x5882 (0.09% != 0)
## Number of matched fragments: 5
## Intensity range: [1276.91;17056.12]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 5 fragments [1;5882].
# select all "a" and "b" fragments but just the first 100 "c"
myoglobin[c("a", "b", paste0("c", 1:100))]
## TopDownSet object (4.59 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 404
## Theoretical fragment types (3): a, b, c
## Theoretical mass range: [30.03;16866.94]
## - - - Condition data - - -
## Number of conditions: 1852
## Number of scans: 5882
## Condition variables (66): File, Scan, ..., Sample, MedianIonInjectionTimeMs
## - - - Intensity data - - -
## Size of array: 404x5882 (6.04% != 0)
## Number of matched fragments: 143582
## Intensity range: [87.61;1630533.12]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 143582 fragments [404;5882].
# select condition/run 1 to 10
myoglobin[, 1:10]
## TopDownSet object (0.26 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 1216
## Theoretical fragment types (6): a, b, c, x, y, z
## Theoretical mass range: [30.03;16910.93]
## - - - Condition data - - -
## Number of conditions: 3
## Number of scans: 10
## Condition variables (66): File, Scan, ..., Sample, MedianIonInjectionTimeMs
## - - - Intensity data - - -
## Size of array: 1216x10 (8.38% != 0)
## Number of matched fragments: 1019
## Intensity range: [7872.05;1036892.19]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 1019 fragments [1216;10].
# select all conditions from one file
myoglobin[, myoglobin$File == "myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e+06_1"]
## TopDownSet object (0.24 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 1216
## Theoretical fragment types (6): a, b, c, x, y, z
## Theoretical mass range: [30.03;16910.93]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 0 fragments [1216;0].
# select all "c" fragments from a single file
myoglobin["c", myoglobin$File == "myo_1211_ETDReagentTarget_1e+06_1"]
## TopDownSet object (0.11 Mb)
## - - - Protein data - - -
## Mass : 16922.95
## Modifications (1): Met-loss
## - - - Fragment data - - -
## Number of theoretical fragments: 304
## Theoretical fragment types (1): c
## Theoretical mass range: [74.05;16883.97]
## - - - Processing information - - -
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] 368296 fragments [1216;5882] matched (tolerance: 5 ppm, strategies ion/fragment: remove/remove).
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Condition names updated based on: Mz, AgcTarget, EtdReagentTarget, EtdActivation, CidActivation, HcdActivation. Order of conditions changed. 1852 conditions.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:32] Recalculate median injection time based on: Mz, AgcTarget.
## [2022-04-26 18:17:33] Subsetted 368296 fragments [1216;5882] to 0 fragments [304;0].
Each condition represents one spectrum. We could plot a single condition
interactively or all spectra into a pdf
(or any other R device that supports multiple pages/plots).
# plot a single condition
plot(myoglobin[, "C0707.30_1.0e+05_1.0e+06_10.00_00_28_3"])
## [[1]]
## # example to plot the first ten conditions into a pdf
## # (not evaluated in the vignette)
## pdf("topdown-conditions.pdf", paper="a4r", width=12)
## plot(myoglobin[, 1:10])
returns a list
(an item per condition) of ggplot
objects which could
further modified or investigated interactively by calling plotly::ggplotly()
We follow the following workflow: