
1 Introduction

Method benchmarking is a core part of computational biology research, with an intrinsic power to establish best practices in method selection and application, as well as help identifying gaps and possibilities for improvement. A typical benchmark evaluates a set of methods using multiple different metrics, intended to capture different aspects of their performance. The best method to choose in any given situation can then be found, e.g., by averaging the different performance metrics, possibly putting more emphasis on those that are more important to the specific situation.

Inspired by the OECD ‘Better Life Index’, the bettr package was developed to provide support for this last step. It allows users to easily create performance summaries emphasizing the aspects that are most important to them. bettr can be used interactively, via a R/shiny application, or programmatically by calling the underlying functions. In this vignette, we illustrate both alternatives, using example data provided with the package.

Given the abundance of methods available for computational analysis of biological data, both within and beyond Bioconductor, and the importance of careful, adaptive benchmarking, we believe that bettr will be a useful complement to currently available Bioconductor infrastructure related to benchmarking and performance estimation. Other packages (e.g., pipeComp or SummarizedBenchmark) provide frameworks for executing benchmarks by applying and recording pre-defined workflows to data. Packages such as iCOBRA and ROCR instead provide functionality for calculating well-established evaluation metric. In contrast, bettr focuses on visual exploration of benchmark results, represented by the values of several evaluation metrics.

2 Installation

bettr can be installed from Bioconductor (from release 3.19 onwards):

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


3 Usage


The main input to bettr is a data.frame containing values of several metrics for several methods. In addition, the user can provide additional annotations and characteristics for the methods and metrics, which can be used to group and filter them in the interactive application.

## Data for two metrics (metric1, metric2) for three methods (M1, M2, M3)
df <- data.frame(Method = c("M1", "M2", "M3"), 
                 metric1 = c(1, 2, 3),
                 metric2 = c(3, 1, 2))

## More information for metrics
metricInfo <- data.frame(Metric = c("metric1", "metric2", "metric3"),
                         Group = c("G1", "G2", "G2"))

## More information for methods ('IDs')
idInfo <- data.frame(Method = c("M1", "M2", "M3"), 
                     Type = c("T1", "T1", "T2"))

To simplify handling and sharing, the data can be combined into a SummarizedExperiment (with methods as rows and metrics as columns) as follows:

se <- assembleSE(df = df, idCol = "Method", metricInfo = metricInfo, 
                 idInfo = idInfo)
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 3 2 
#> metadata(1): bettrInfo
#> assays(1): values
#> rownames(3): M1 M2 M3
#> rowData names(2): Method Type
#> colnames(2): metric1 metric2
#> colData names(2): Metric Group

The interactive application to explore the rankings can then be launched by means of the bettr() function. The input can be either the assembled SummarizedExperiment object or the individual components.

## Alternative 1
bettr(bettrSE = se)

## Alternative 2
bettr(df = df, idCol = "Method", metricInfo = metricInfo, idInfo = idInfo)

4 Example - single-cell RNA-seq clustering benchmark

Next, we show a more elaborate example, visualizing data from the benchmark of single-cell clustering methods performed by Duo et al (2018). The values for a set of evaluation metrics applied to results obtained by several clustering methods are provided in a .csv file in the package:

res <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "duo2018_results.csv", 
                            package = "bettr"))
#> [1] 14 49
#> # A tibble: 14 × 49
#>    method      ARI_Koh ARI_KohTCC ARI_Kumar ARI_KumarTCC ARI_SimKumar4easy
#>    <chr>         <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>             <dbl>
#>  1 CIDR          0.672      0.805     0.989        0.977             1    
#>  2 FlowSOM       0.699      0.855     0.512        0.563             1    
#>  3 PCAHC         0.869      0.891     1            1                 1    
#>  4 PCAKmeans     0.836      0.903     0.989        0.978             1    
#>  5 RaceID2       0.280      0.276     0.949        1                 0.644
#>  6 RtsneKmeans   0.966      0.967     0.989        1                 1    
#>  7 SAFE          0.613      0.950     0.989        1                 0.952
#>  8 SC3           0.939      0.939     1            1                 1    
#>  9 SC3svm        0.927      0.929     1            1                 1    
#> 10 Seurat        0.862      0.902     0.988        0.989             1    
#> 11 TSCAN         0.639      0.618     1            1                 1    
#> 12 monocle       0.855      0.963     0.988        1                 0.995
#> 13 pcaReduce     0.935      0.979     1            1                 1    
#> 14 ascend       NA         NA         1            0.988             1    
#> # ℹ 43 more variables: ARI_SimKumar4hard <dbl>, ARI_SimKumar8hard <dbl>,
#> #   ARI_Trapnell <dbl>, ARI_TrapnellTCC <dbl>, ARI_Zhengmix4eq <dbl>,
#> #   ARI_Zhengmix4uneq <dbl>, ARI_Zhengmix8eq <dbl>, elapsed_Koh <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_KohTCC <dbl>, elapsed_Kumar <dbl>, elapsed_KumarTCC <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_SimKumar4easy <dbl>, elapsed_SimKumar4hard <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_SimKumar8hard <dbl>, elapsed_Trapnell <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_TrapnellTCC <dbl>, elapsed_Zhengmix4eq <dbl>, …

As we can see, we have 14 methods (rows) and 48 different metrics (columns). The first column provides the name of the clustering method. More precisely, the columns correspond to four different metrics, each of which was applied to clustering output from of 12 data sets. We encode this “grouping” of metrics in a data frame, in such a way that we can later collapse performance across data sets in bettr:

metricInfo <- tibble(Metric = colnames(res)[-1]) |>
    mutate(Class = sub("_.*", "", Metric))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   Metric            Class
#>   <chr>             <chr>
#> 1 ARI_Koh           ARI  
#> 2 ARI_KohTCC        ARI  
#> 3 ARI_Kumar         ARI  
#> 4 ARI_KumarTCC      ARI  
#> 5 ARI_SimKumar4easy ARI  
#> 6 ARI_SimKumar4hard ARI
#>            ARI        elapsed nclust.vs.true s.norm.vs.true 
#>             12             12             12             12

In order to make different metrics comparable, we next define the transformation that should be applied to each of them within bettr. First, we need to make sure that the metric are consistent in terms of whether large values indicate “good” or “bad” performance. In our case, for both the elapsed (elapsed run time), nclust.vs.true (difference between estimated and true number of clusters) and s.norm.vs.true (difference between estimated and true normalized Shannon entropy for a clustering), a small value indicates “better” performance, while for the ARI (adjusted Rand index), larger values are better. Hence, we will flip the sign of the first three before doing additional analyses. Moreover, the different metrics clearly live in different numeric ranges - the maximal value of the ARI is 1, while the other metrics can have much larger values. As an example, here we therefore scale the three other metrics linearly to the interval [0, 1] to make them more comparable to the ARI values. We record these transformations in a list, that will be passed to bettr:

## Initialize list
initialTransforms <- lapply(res[, grep("elapsed|nclust.vs.true|s.norm.vs.true", 
                                       colnames(res), value = TRUE)], 
                            function(i) {
                                list(flip = TRUE, transform = '[0,1]')

#> [1] 36
#>  [1] "elapsed_Koh"                  "elapsed_KohTCC"              
#>  [3] "elapsed_Kumar"                "elapsed_KumarTCC"            
#>  [5] "elapsed_SimKumar4easy"        "elapsed_SimKumar4hard"       
#>  [7] "elapsed_SimKumar8hard"        "elapsed_Trapnell"            
#>  [9] "elapsed_TrapnellTCC"          "elapsed_Zhengmix4eq"         
#> [11] "elapsed_Zhengmix4uneq"        "elapsed_Zhengmix8eq"         
#> [13] "s.norm.vs.true_Koh"           "s.norm.vs.true_KohTCC"       
#> [15] "s.norm.vs.true_Kumar"         "s.norm.vs.true_KumarTCC"     
#> [17] "s.norm.vs.true_SimKumar4easy" "s.norm.vs.true_SimKumar4hard"
#> [19] "s.norm.vs.true_SimKumar8hard" "s.norm.vs.true_Trapnell"     
#> [21] "s.norm.vs.true_TrapnellTCC"   "s.norm.vs.true_Zhengmix4eq"  
#> [23] "s.norm.vs.true_Zhengmix4uneq" "s.norm.vs.true_Zhengmix8eq"  
#> [25] "nclust.vs.true_Koh"           "nclust.vs.true_KohTCC"       
#> [27] "nclust.vs.true_Kumar"         "nclust.vs.true_KumarTCC"     
#> [29] "nclust.vs.true_SimKumar4easy" "nclust.vs.true_SimKumar4hard"
#> [31] "nclust.vs.true_SimKumar8hard" "nclust.vs.true_Trapnell"     
#> [33] "nclust.vs.true_TrapnellTCC"   "nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix4eq"  
#> [35] "nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix4uneq" "nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix8eq"
#> $elapsed_Koh
#> $elapsed_Koh$flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $elapsed_Koh$transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"
#> $elapsed_KohTCC
#> $elapsed_KohTCC$flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $elapsed_KohTCC$transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"
#> $elapsed_Kumar
#> $elapsed_Kumar$flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $elapsed_Kumar$transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"
#> $elapsed_KumarTCC
#> $elapsed_KumarTCC$flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $elapsed_KumarTCC$transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"
#> $elapsed_SimKumar4easy
#> $elapsed_SimKumar4easy$flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $elapsed_SimKumar4easy$transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"
#> $elapsed_SimKumar4hard
#> $elapsed_SimKumar4hard$flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $elapsed_SimKumar4hard$transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"

We can specify four different aspects of the desired transform, which will be applied in the following order:

Only values that deviate from the defaults need to be specified.

Finally, we can define a set of colors that we would like to use for visualizing the methods and metrics in bettr.

metricColors <- list(
    Class = c(ARI = "purple", elapsed = "forestgreen", 
              nclust.vs.true = "blue", 
              s.norm.vs.true = "orange"))
idColors <- list(
    method = c(
        CIDR = "#332288", FlowSOM = "#6699CC", PCAHC = "#88CCEE", 
        PCAKmeans = "#44AA99", pcaReduce = "#117733",
        RtsneKmeans = "#999933", Seurat = "#DDCC77", SC3svm = "#661100", 
        SC3 = "#CC6677", TSCAN = "grey34", ascend = "orange", SAFE = "black",
        monocle = "red", RaceID2 = "blue"

All the information defined so far can be combined in a SummarizedExperiment object, as shown above for the small example data:

duo2018 <- assembleSE(df = res, idCol = "method", metricInfo = metricInfo, 
                      initialTransforms = initialTransforms,
                      metricColors = metricColors, idColors = idColors)
#> class: SummarizedExperiment 
#> dim: 14 48 
#> metadata(1): bettrInfo
#> assays(1): values
#> rownames(14): CIDR FlowSOM ... pcaReduce ascend
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(48): ARI_Koh ARI_KohTCC ... nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix4uneq
#>   nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix8eq
#> colData names(2): Metric Class

The assay of the SummarizedExperiment object contains the values for the 48 performance measures for the 14 clustering methods. The metricInfo is stored in the colData, and the lists of colors and the initial transforms in the metadata:

## Display the whole performance table
tibble(assay(duo2018, "values"))
#> # A tibble: 14 × 48
#>    ARI_Koh ARI_KohTCC ARI_Kumar ARI_KumarTCC ARI_SimKumar4easy ARI_SimKumar4hard
#>      <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>             <dbl>             <dbl>
#>  1   0.672      0.805     0.989        0.977             1                 1    
#>  2   0.699      0.855     0.512        0.563             1                 1    
#>  3   0.869      0.891     1            1                 1                 1    
#>  4   0.836      0.903     0.989        0.978             1                 1    
#>  5   0.280      0.276     0.949        1                 0.644             0.194
#>  6   0.966      0.967     0.989        1                 1                 1    
#>  7   0.613      0.950     0.989        1                 0.952            NA    
#>  8   0.939      0.939     1            1                 1                 1    
#>  9   0.927      0.929     1            1                 1                 1    
#> 10   0.862      0.902     0.988        0.989             1                 1    
#> 11   0.639      0.618     1            1                 1                 1    
#> 12   0.855      0.963     0.988        1                 0.995             0.992
#> 13   0.935      0.979     1            1                 1                 1    
#> 14  NA         NA         1            0.988             1                 1    
#> # ℹ 42 more variables: ARI_SimKumar8hard <dbl>, ARI_Trapnell <dbl>,
#> #   ARI_TrapnellTCC <dbl>, ARI_Zhengmix4eq <dbl>, ARI_Zhengmix4uneq <dbl>,
#> #   ARI_Zhengmix8eq <dbl>, elapsed_Koh <dbl>, elapsed_KohTCC <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_Kumar <dbl>, elapsed_KumarTCC <dbl>, elapsed_SimKumar4easy <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_SimKumar4hard <dbl>, elapsed_SimKumar8hard <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_Trapnell <dbl>, elapsed_TrapnellTCC <dbl>,
#> #   elapsed_Zhengmix4eq <dbl>, elapsed_Zhengmix4uneq <dbl>, …

## Showing the first metric, evaluated on all datasets
head(colData(duo2018), 12)
#> DataFrame with 12 rows and 2 columns
#>                              Metric       Class
#>                         <character> <character>
#> ARI_Koh                     ARI_Koh         ARI
#> ARI_KohTCC               ARI_KohTCC         ARI
#> ARI_Kumar                 ARI_Kumar         ARI
#> ARI_KumarTCC           ARI_KumarTCC         ARI
#> ARI_SimKumar4easy ARI_SimKumar4easy         ARI
#> ...                             ...         ...
#> ARI_Trapnell           ARI_Trapnell         ARI
#> ARI_TrapnellTCC     ARI_TrapnellTCC         ARI
#> ARI_Zhengmix4eq     ARI_Zhengmix4eq         ARI
#> ARI_Zhengmix4uneq ARI_Zhengmix4uneq         ARI
#> ARI_Zhengmix8eq     ARI_Zhengmix8eq         ARI

## These are the color definitions (can mix character and hex values)
#> $method
#>        CIDR     FlowSOM       PCAHC   PCAKmeans   pcaReduce RtsneKmeans 
#>   "#332288"   "#6699CC"   "#88CCEE"   "#44AA99"   "#117733"   "#999933" 
#>      Seurat      SC3svm         SC3       TSCAN      ascend        SAFE 
#>   "#DDCC77"   "#661100"   "#CC6677"    "grey34"    "orange"     "black" 
#>     monocle     RaceID2 
#>       "red"      "blue"
#> $Class
#>            ARI        elapsed nclust.vs.true s.norm.vs.true 
#>       "purple"  "forestgreen"         "blue"       "orange"

#>  [1] "elapsed_Koh"                  "elapsed_KohTCC"              
#>  [3] "elapsed_Kumar"                "elapsed_KumarTCC"            
#>  [5] "elapsed_SimKumar4easy"        "elapsed_SimKumar4hard"       
#>  [7] "elapsed_SimKumar8hard"        "elapsed_Trapnell"            
#>  [9] "elapsed_TrapnellTCC"          "elapsed_Zhengmix4eq"         
#> [11] "elapsed_Zhengmix4uneq"        "elapsed_Zhengmix8eq"         
#> [13] "s.norm.vs.true_Koh"           "s.norm.vs.true_KohTCC"       
#> [15] "s.norm.vs.true_Kumar"         "s.norm.vs.true_KumarTCC"     
#> [17] "s.norm.vs.true_SimKumar4easy" "s.norm.vs.true_SimKumar4hard"
#> [19] "s.norm.vs.true_SimKumar8hard" "s.norm.vs.true_Trapnell"     
#> [21] "s.norm.vs.true_TrapnellTCC"   "s.norm.vs.true_Zhengmix4eq"  
#> [23] "s.norm.vs.true_Zhengmix4uneq" "s.norm.vs.true_Zhengmix8eq"  
#> [25] "nclust.vs.true_Koh"           "nclust.vs.true_KohTCC"       
#> [27] "nclust.vs.true_Kumar"         "nclust.vs.true_KumarTCC"     
#> [29] "nclust.vs.true_SimKumar4easy" "nclust.vs.true_SimKumar4hard"
#> [31] "nclust.vs.true_SimKumar8hard" "nclust.vs.true_Trapnell"     
#> [33] "nclust.vs.true_TrapnellTCC"   "nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix4eq"  
#> [35] "nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix4uneq" "nclust.vs.true_Zhengmix8eq"

## An example of a transformation - elapsed time for the Koh dataset
#> $flip
#> [1] TRUE
#> $transform
#> [1] "[0,1]"

Now, we can launch the app for this data set:

bettr(bettrSE = duo2018, bstheme = "sandstone")

The screenshot below illustrates the default view of the interactive interface.