CrispRVariants 1.35.0
The CRISPR-Cas9 system is an efficient method of introducing mutations into genomic DNA. A guide RNA directs nuclease activity to an approximately 20 nucleotide target region, resulting in efficient mutagenesis. Repair of the cleaved DNA can introduce insertions and deletions centred around the cleavage site. Once the target sequence is mutated, the guide RNA will no longer bind and the DNA will not be cleaved again. SNPs within the target region, depending on their location, may also disrupt cleavage. The efficiency of a CRISPR-Cas9 experiment is typically measured by amplifying and sequencing the region surrounding the target sequence, then counting the number of sequenced reads that have insertions and deletions at the target site. The CrispRVariants package formalizes this process and takes care of various details of managing and manipulating data for such confirmatory and exploratory experiments.
This guide shows an example illustrating how raw data is preprocessed and mapped and how mutation information is extracted relative to the reference sequence. The package comprehensively summarizes and plots the spectrum of variants introduced by CRISPR-Cas9 or similar genome editing experiments.
This section is intended for people familiar with mapping reads and working with core Bioconductor classes. See the case study in the next section for a complete step-by-step analysis.
The CrisprSet
class stores aligned reads which have been trimmed to a target
region along with annotations of where insertion and deletions are located
with respect to a specified location. CrisprSet
objects are created
using the functions readsToTarget
(for a single target region) and readsToTargets
(for multiple target
locations). The following objects are needed to create a CrisprSet
for a single guide sequence. For multiple guides, the equivalent
parameters to target and reference are named targets and
references respectively.
reads - may be a vector of bam filenames, a GAlignments
or a GAlignmentsList
object. Bam files are assumed to represent
individual experimental samples (possibly containing reads from more
than one guide). If the bam files contain multiplexed
reads that should be separated into groups, first read the alignments
into R, separate as required and then provide the separated alignments
to readsToTarget
. (See package GenomicAlignments
for more details about GAlignments
and GAlignmentsList
target - A GRanges
object indicating the genomic range to analyse.
The sequence name and coordinates should match regions found in the bam file(s).
For readsToTarget
, the target
must contain a single range. The target
range can be found by searching BLAST or
BLAT for the guide sequence and extending
the found range if desired - be careful that the genome used by BLAST matches the
genome used for mapping! Alternatively, the target region
can be found by mapping the guide sequence to the genome or amplicon reference with a short
read aligner (we typically use bwa fastmap); or if reference sequence
is not too large by reading the reference sequence into R and using gregexpr
to search the reference for the guide sequence. (See package GenomicRanges
for more details about GRanges
reference - A DNAString
object, containing the reference sequence at the
target location. This can be fetched from the genome using the command line
tool samtools faidx
or from within R using the Bioconductor package
; fetched from a BSgenome
object using Biostrings::getSeq
or reconstructed from a bam file using the CrispRVariants function refFromAlns
providing the bam file has an MD tag. (See package
for more details about DNAString
target.loc This is the base that should be considered base zero, with respect to the target. For example, if using a 23 nucleotide guide + PAM sequence as the reference, the target.loc would be 17, meaning that bases 17 and 18 are numbered -1 and 1 respectively. If considering the 23bp guide region plus 10 bases on both sides, the target.loc would be 27.
Other important readsToTarget
collapse.pairs = TRUE
that each read pair is only counted = 200
orientation = "positive"
to always display with respect to the plus strand or orientation = "opposite"
to display the opposite strand to the target.chimeras = "merge"
, which reconstructs a linear
alignment for the simplest case of two aligned regions separated by a large
gap with at most 10 bases multi-mapped to both segments. Setting
chimeras = "merge"
means that these simple, “long-gap” chimeras can
be counted and displayed separately from more complex chimeric reads.
However, be aware that the exact endpoints of the gaps may be ambiguous and
we do not at present have a method for indicating ambiguous mapping.minoverlap = 10
means that reads with an aligned range spanning at least 10 bases of the
target will be counted.Assuming the above parameters are defined, the following code will set up a CrisprSet object and plot the variants:
crispr_set <- readsToTarget(reads, target = target, reference = reference,
target.loc = target.loc)
# or use plotVariants(crispr_set, txdb) to additionally show the target
# location with respect to the transcripts if a Transcript Database
# txdb is available
The data used in this case study is from the Mosimann laboratory, UZH.
This data set is from 5 separate clutches of fish (1 control - uninjected, 2 injected with strong phenotype, 2 injected with mild phenotype), with injections from a guide against the ptena gene. For this exercise, the raw data comes as AB1 (Sanger) format. To convert AB1 files to FASTQ, we use ab1ToFastq(), which is a wrapper for functions in the “sangerseqR” package with additional quality score trimming.
Although there are many ways to organize such a project, we organize the data (raw and processed) data into a set of directories, with a directory for each type of data (e.g., ‘ab1’ for AB1 files, ‘fastq’ for FASTQ files, ‘bam’ for BAM files, etc.); this can continue with directories for scripts, for figures, and so on. With this structure in place, the following code sets up various directories.
# List AB1 filenames, get sequence names, make names for the fastq files
# Note that we only include one ab1 file with CrispRVariants because
# of space constraints. All bam files are included
data_dir <- system.file(package="CrispRVariants", "extdata/ab1/ptena")
fq_dir <- tempdir()
ab1_fnames <- dir(data_dir, "ab1$", recursive=TRUE, full=TRUE)
sq_nms <- gsub(".ab1","",basename(ab1_fnames))
# Replace spaces and slashes in filename with underscores
fq_fnames <- paste0(gsub("[\ |\\/]", "_", dirname(ab1_fnames)), ".fastq")
# abifToFastq to read AB1 files and write to FASTQ
dummy <- mapply( function(u,v,w) {
}, sq_nms, ab1_fnames, fq_fnames)
We will collect sequences from each embryo into the same FASTQ file. Note that abifToFastq appends output to existing files where possible. In this example, there is only 1 sequence, which will be output to 1 file:
## [1] 1
## [1] 1
Some of the AB1 files may not have a sufficient number of bases after quality score trimming (default is 20 bases). In these cases, abifToFastq() issues a warning (suppressed here).
We use FASTQ format because it is the major format used by most genome alignment algorithms. At this stage, the alignment could be done outside of R (e.g., using command line tools), but below we use R and a call to system() to keep the whole workflow within R. Note that this also requires various software tools (e.g., bwa, samtools) to already be installed.
The code below iterates through all the FASTQ files generated above and aligns them to a pre-indexed genome.
# BWA indices were generated using bwa version 0.7.10
bwa_index <- "GRCHz10.fa.gz"
bam_dir <- system.file(package="CrispRVariants", "extdata/bam")
fq_fnames <- file.path(fq_dir,unique(fq_fnames))
bm_fnames <- gsub(".fastq$",".bam",basename(fq_fnames))
srt_bm_fnames <- file.path(bam_dir, gsub(".bam","_s",bm_fnames))
# Map, sort and index the bam files, remove the unsorted bams
for(i in 1:length(fq_fnames)) {
cmd <- paste0("bwa mem ", bwa_index, " ", fq_fnames[i],
" | samtools view -Sb - > ", bm_fnames[i])
message(cmd, "\n"); system(cmd)
See the help for bwa index at the bwa man page and for general details on mapping sequences to a genome reference.
To allow easy matching to experimental condition (e.g., useful for colour labeling) and for subsetting to experiments of interest, we often organize the list of BAM files together with accompanying metadata in a machine-readable table beforehand. Here we read the bam filenames from a metadata table which also contains sample names and experimental grouping information. Note that we could also have used the bam filenames listed above.
# The metadata and bam files for this experiment are included with CrispRVariants
md_fname <- system.file(package="CrispRVariants", "extdata/metadata/metadata.xls")
md <- readxl::read_xls(md_fname, 1)
## # A tibble: 5 × 7
## bamfile directory Targeting.type sgRNA1 sgRNA2 Group
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <chr>
## 1 ab1_ptena_phenotype_e… ptena/ph… ptena 1 single ptena… NA stro…
## 2 ab1_ptena_phenotype_e… ptena/ph… ptena 2 single ptena… NA stro…
## 3 ab1_ptena_wildtype_lo… ptena/wi… ptena 3 single ptena… NA mild
## 4 ab1_ptena_wildtype_lo… ptena/wi… ptena 4 single ptena… NA mild
## 5 ab1_ptena_uninjected_… ptena/un… control single ptena… NA cont…
# Get the bam filenames from the metadata table
bam_dir <- system.file(package="CrispRVariants", "extdata/bam")
bam_fnames <- file.path(bam_dir, md$bamfile)
# check that all files exist
all( file.exists(bam_fnames) )
## [1] TRUE
Given a set of BAM files with the amplicon sequences of interest mapped to the reference genome, we need to collect a few additional pieces of information about the guide sequence and define the area around the guide that we want to summarize the mutation spectrum over.
The coordinates of the region of interest can be obtained by running BLAST or BLAT on the guide sequence or by mapping the guide sequence to the reference sequence. The coordinates, or “target” should be represented as a GenomicRanges::GRanges object. This can be created directly, but here we will import the coordinates of the guide sequence from a BED file using the rtracklayer package. The import() commmand below returns a GRanges object.
# Represent the guide as a GenomicRanges::GRanges object
gd_fname <- system.file(package="CrispRVariants", "extdata/bed/guide.bed")
gd <- rtracklayer::import(gd_fname)
## GRanges object with 1 range and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | name score
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <numeric>
## [1] chr17 23648474-23648496 - | ptena_ccA 0
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
The 23bp (including PAM) ptena guide sequence used in this experiment is located on chromosome chr17 from 23648474-23648496. We prefer to analyse a slightly larger region. Below, we’ll extend the guide region by 5 bases on each side when counting variants. Note that the expected cut site (used later for labeling variants), after extension, isat base 22 with respect to the start of the new target sequence.
gdl <- GenomicRanges::resize(gd, width(gd) + 10, fix = "center")
With the Bioconductor BSgenome packages, the reference sequence itself can be retrieved directly into a DNAStringSet object. For other genomes, the reference sequence can be retrieved from a genome by first indexing the genome with samtools faidx and then fetching the required region (for an alternative method, see the note for Windows and Galaxy users below). Here we are using the GRCHz10 zebrafish genome. The reference sequence was fetched and saved as follows:
system("samtools faidx GRCHz10.fa.gz")
reference=system(sprintf("samtools faidx GRCHz10.fa.gz %s:%s-%s",
seqnames(gdl)[1], start(gdl)[1], end(gdl)[1]),
intern = TRUE)[[2]]
# The guide is on the negative strand, so the reference needs to be reverse complemented
save(reference, file = "ptena_GRCHz10_ref.rda")
We’ll load the previously saved reference sequence.
ref_fname <- system.file(package="CrispRVariants", "extdata/ptena_GRCHz10_ref.rda")
## 33-letter DNAString object
Note the NGG sequence (here, TGG) is present with the 5 extra bases on the end.
If you do not have a copy of the genome you used for mapping on the computer you are using to analyse your data, or you cannot install samtools because you are working on Windows, CrispRVariants provides an alternative, albeit slower, method for fetching the reference sequence:
# First read the alignments into R. The alignments must include
# the read sequences and the MD tag
alns <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bam_fnames[[1]],
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(tag = "MD", what = c("seq", "flag")),
use.names = TRUE)
# Then reconstruct the reference for the target region.
# If no target region is given, this function will reconstruct
# the complete reference sequence for all reads.
rfa <- refFromAlns(alns, gdl)
# The reconstructed reference sequence is identical to the sequence
# extracted from the reference above
print(rfa == reference)
## [1] TRUE
Note that the object alns
created above can be directly passed to
the function readsToTarget
(see below) instead of the bam filenames.
If there is more than one bam file, readsToTarget
can also accept
a GAlignmentsList
object (see the GenomicAlignments package) for more details).
The next step is to create a CrisprSet object, which is the container that stores the relevant sequence information, alignments, observed variants and their frequencies.
# Note that the zero point (target.loc parameter) is 22
crispr_set <- readsToTarget(bam_fnames, target = gdl, reference = reference,
names = md$, target.loc = 22)
## CrisprSet object containing 5 CrisprRun samples
## Target location:
## GRanges object with 1 range and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | name score
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <numeric>
## [1] chr17 23648469-23648501 - | ptena_ccA 0
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## [1] "Most frequent variants:"
## ptena 1 ptena 2 ptena 3 ptena 4 control
## no variant 3 4 4 0 7
## -1:4D 0 0 0 2 0
## 6:1D 0 0 0 1 1
## 1:7I 1 0 0 0 0
## 2:1D,4:5I 0 0 0 1 0
## Other 0 0 1 1 0
# The counts table can be accessed with the "variantCounts" function
vc <- variantCounts(crispr_set)
## [1] "matrix" "array"
You can see that in the table of variant counts, variants are summarised by the location of their insertions and deletions with respect to the target site. Non-variant sequences and sequences with a single nucleotide variant (SNV) but no insertion or deletion (indel) are displayed first, followed by the indel variants from most to least frequent For example, the most frequent non-wild-type variant, “-1:4D” is a 4 base pair deletion starting 1 base upstream of the zero point.
We want to plot the variant frequencies along with the location of the guide sequence relative to the known transcripts. If you do this repeatedly for the same organism, it is worthwhile to save the database in a local file and read in with loadDb(), since this is quicker than retrieving it from UCSC (or Ensembl) each time.
We start by creating a transcript database of Ensembl genes. The gtf was downloaded from Ensembl version 81. We first took a subset of just the genes on chromosome 17 and then generated a transcript database.
# Extract genes on chromosome 17 (command line)
# Note that the Ensembl gtf does not include the "chr" prefix, so we add it here
zcat ${gtf} | awk '($1 == 17){print "chr"$0}' > Danio_rerio.GRCz10.81_chr17.gtf
# In R
gtf_fname <- "Danio_rerio.GRCz10.81_chr17.gtf"
txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(gtf_fname, format = "gtf")
saveDb(txdb, file= "GRCz10_81_chr17_txdb.sqlite")
We now load the the previously saved database
plotVariants() is a wrapper function that groups together a plot of the transcripts of the gene/s overlapping the guide (optional), CrispRVariants::plotAlignments(), which displays the alignments of the consensus variant sequences to the reference, and CrispRVariants::plotFreqHeatmap(), which produces a table of the variant counts per sample, coloured by either their counts or percentage contribution to the variants observed for a given sample. If a transcript database is supplied, the transcript plot is annotated with the guide location. Arguments for plotAlignments() and plotFreqHeatmap() can be passed to plotVariants() as lists named plotAlignments.args and plotFreqHeatmap.args, respectively.
# The gridExtra package is required to specify the legend.key.height
# as a "unit" object. It is not needed to call plotVariants() with defaults
# Match the clutch id to the column names of the variants
group <- md$Group
p <- plotVariants(crispr_set, txdb = txdb, gene.text.size = 8, = c(1,8), col.wdth.ratio = c(4,2),
plotAlignments.args = list(line.weight = 0.5, ins.size = 2,
legend.symbol.size = 4),
plotFreqHeatmap.args = list(plot.text.size = 3, x.size = 8, group = group,
legend.text.size = 8,
legend.key.height = grid::unit(0.5, "lines")))
## Warning in min(xranges): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(xranges): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in max(yranges): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
## ℹ Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
The plotVariants() options set the text size of the transcript plot annotation (gene.text.size) and the relative heights ( and widths (col.wdth.ratio) of the plots.
The plotAlignments arguments set the symbol size in the figure (ins.size) and in the legend (legend.symbol), the line thickness for the (optional) annotation of the guide region and cleavage site (line.weight).
For plotFreqHeatmap we define an grouping variable for colouring the x-axis labels (group), the size of the text within the plot (plot.text.size) and on the x-axis (x.size) and set the size of the legend text (legend.text.size).
The mutation efficiency is the number of reads that include an insertion or deletion. Chimeric reads and reads containing single nucleotide variants near the cut site may be counted as variant reads, non-variant reads, or excluded entirely. See the help page for the function mutationEfficiency for more details.
We can see in the plot above that the control sample includes a variant sequence 6:1D, also present in sample ptena 4. We will exclude all sequences with this variant from the efficiency calculation. We also demonstrate below how to exclude particular variants.
# Calculate the mutation efficiency, excluding indels that occur in the "control" sample
# and further excluding the "control" sample from the efficiency calculation
eff <- mutationEfficiency(crispr_set, filter.cols = "control", exclude.cols = "control")
## ptena 1 ptena 2 ptena 3 ptena 4 Average Median Overall StDev
## 25.00 42.86 20.00 80.00 41.96 33.93 42.86 1.50
## ReadCount
## 21.00
# Suppose we just wanted to filter particular variants, not an entire sample.
# This can be done using the "filter.vars" argument
eff2 <- mutationEfficiency(crispr_set, filter.vars = "6:1D", exclude.cols = "control")
# The results are the same in this case as only one variant was filtered from the control
## [1] TRUE
We see above that sample ptena 4 has an efficiency of 80%, i.e. 4 variant sequences, plus one sequence “6:1D” which is counted as a non-variant sequence as it also occurs in the control sample.
The consensus sequences for variant alleles can be accessed using consensusSeqs. This function allows filtering by variant frequency or read count, as for plotAlignments and plotFreqHeatmap. Consensus alleles are returned with respect to the positive strand.
sqs <- consensusSeqs(crispr_set)
## DNAStringSet object of length 8:
## width seq names
# The ptena guide is on the negative strand.
# Confirm that the reverse complement of the "no variant" allele
# matches the reference sequence:
Biostrings::reverseComplement(sqs[["no variant"]]) == reference
## [1] TRUE
When deciding whether chimeric alignments should be considered as variant sequences, it can be useful to plot the frequent chimeras.
ch <- getChimeras(crispr_set, sample = "ptena 4")
# Confirm that all chimeric alignments are part of the same read
length(unique(names(ch))) == 1
## [1] TRUE
# Set up points to annotate on the plot
annotations <- c(resize(gd, 1, fix = "start"), resize(gd, 1, fix = "end"))
annotations$name <- c("ptena_start", "ptena_end")
plotChimeras(ch, annotations = annotations)
Here we see the read aligns as two tandem copies of the region chr17:23648420-23648656. The endpoint of each copy is not near the guide sequence. We do not consider this a genuine mutation, so we’ll recalculate the mutation efficiency excluding the chimeric reads and the control variant as before.
mutationEfficiency(crispr_set, filter.cols = "control", exclude.cols = "control",
include.chimeras = FALSE)
## ptena 1 ptena 2 ptena 3 ptena 4 Average Median Overall StDev
## 25.00 42.86 0.00 75.00 35.71 33.93 36.84 1.50
## ReadCount
## 19.00
We see that the mutation effiency for “ptena 4” is now 75%, i.e. 3 genuine variant sequences, 1 sequence counted as “non-variant” because it occurs in the control, and the chimeric read excluded completely
CrispRVariants is capable of tabulating variants with respect to either strand. By default, variant alleles are displayed with respect to the target strand, i.e. sequences for a guide on the negative strand are reverse complemented for display. For some applications it may be preferable to display the variants on the opposite strand, for example if a guide on the negative strand is used to target a gene on the positive strand. The display strand is controlled using the orientation parameter in readsToTarget(s) during initialization.
To illustrate, we will plot the variants for ptena on the positive strand. Note that the only changes to the initialization code is the orientation parameter. In particular, the target.loc is still specified with respect to the guide sequence and the reference is still the guide sequence, not its reverse complement.
crispr_set_rev <- readsToTarget(bam_fnames, target = gdl, reference = reference,
names = md$, target.loc = 22,
orientation = "opposite")