

1 Introduction

The data in Gemma are manually annotated by curators with terms, often using an ontology term on both dataset and sample level. In Gemma.R three primary functions allow access to these annotations for a given dataset.

In the examples below we will be referring to GSE18728 experiment, where drug resistant cancer patients and

2 Dataset tags

Terms returned via get_dataset_annotations are tags used to describe a dataset in general terms.

get_dataset_annotations('GSE18728') %>%
    gemma_kable class.URI term.URI object.class
disease http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000408 breast cancer http://purl.obolibrary…/MONDO_0007254 ExperimentTag
labelling http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000562 biotin http://purl.obolibrary…/CHEBI_15956 BioMaterial
phenotype http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000651 docetaxel trihydrate http://purl.obolibrary…/CHEBI_59809 FactorValue
treatment http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000727 capecitabine http://purl.obolibrary…/CHEBI_31348 FactorValue
phenotype http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000651 resistant to http://purl.obolibrary…/PATO_0001178 FactorValue
organism part http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000635 mammary gland http://purl.obolibrary…/UBERON_0001911 ExperimentTag

These tags come as a class/term pairs and inherit any terms that is assigned to any of the samples. Therefore we can see all chemicals and cell types used in the experiment.

3 Factor values

Samples and differential expression contrasts in Gemma are annotated with factor values. These values contain statements that describe these samples and which samples belong to which experimental in a differential expression analysis respectively.

3.1 Sample factor values

In gemma.R these values are stored in nested data.tables and can be found by accessing the relevant columns of the outputs. Annotations for samples can be accessed using get_dataset_samples. sample.factorValues column contains the relevant information

samples <- get_dataset_samples('GSE18728')
samples$sample.factorValues[[1]] %>% 
category category.URI value value.URI predicate predicate.URI object object.URI summary ID factor.ID factor.category factor.category.URI
collection of material http://www.ebi…/EFO_0005066 DE_Include http://gemma.msl…/TGEMO_00013 NA NA NA NA DE_Include 134952 24474 collection of material http://www.ebi…/EFO_0005066
block http://www.ebi…/EFO_0005067 Batch_09_5/20/05 NA NA NA NA NA Batch_09_5/20/05 184673 39147 block http://www.ebi…/EFO_0005067
phenotype http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000651 resistant to http://purl.obolibrary…/PATO_0001178 toward http://purl.obolibrary…/RO_0002503 capecitabine http://purl.obolibrary…/CHEBI_31348 resistant to toward docetax… 76119 11430 phenotype http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000651
phenotype http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000651 resistant to http://purl.obolibrary…/PATO_0001178 toward http://purl.obolibrary…/RO_0002503 docetaxel trihydrate http://purl.obolibrary…/CHEBI_59809 resistant to toward docetax… 76119 11430 phenotype http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000651
treatment http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000727 reference substance role http://purl.obolibrary…/OBI_0000025 NA NA NA NA reference substance role 134950 24473 treatment http://www.ebi…/EFO_0000727

The example above shows a single factor value object for one sample. The rows of this data.table are statements that belong to a factor value. Below each column of this nested table is described. If a given field is filled by an ontology term, the corresponding URI column will contain the ontology URI for the field.

  • category/category.URI: Category of the individual statement, such as treatment, phenotype or strain
  • value/value.URI: The subject of the statement.
  • predicate/predicate.URI: When a subject alone is not enough to describe all details, a statement can contain a predicate and an object. The predicate describes the relationship between the subject of the statement and the object. In the example above, these are used to represent resistance to cancer drugs.
  • object/object.URI: The object of a statement is a property further describing it’s value such as the dosage of a drug or a timepoint.
  • summary: A plain text summary of the factorValue. Different statements will have the same summary if they are part of the same factor value
  • ID: An integer identifier for the specific factor value. In the example above, phenotype of the patient is defined as a single factor value made up of two statements stating that the patient is resistant to both capecitabine and docetaxel trihydrate. This factor value has the ID of 76119 which is shared by both rows containing the statements describing it. This ID will repeat for every other patient that has the same drug resistance or differential expression results using that factor as a part of their contrast. For instance we can see which samples that was subjected to this condition using this ID instead of trying to match the other columns describing the statements
id <- samples$sample.factorValues[[1]] %>% 
    filter(value == 'resistant to') %>% {.$ID} %>% unique

# count how many patients has this phenotype
samples$sample.factorValues %>% sapply(\(x){
    id %in% x$ID
}) %>% sum
## [1] 38
  • factor.ID: An integer identifier for the factor. A factor holds specific factor values. For the example above whether or not a patient has drug resistance is stored under the id

We can use this to fetch all distinct phenotypes

id <- samples$sample.factorValues[[1]] %>% 
    filter(value == 'resistant to') %>% {.$factor.ID} %>% unique

samples$sample.factorValues %>% lapply(\(x){
    x %>% filter(factor.ID == id) %>% {.$summary}
}) %>% unlist %>% unique
## [1] "resistant to toward docetaxel trihydrate, resistant to toward capecitabine"
## [2] "reference subject role"

This shows us the dataset has control patients and patients who are resistant to capecitabine and trihydrate. . This ID can be used to match the factor between samples and between samples and differential expression experiments - factor.category/factor.category.URI: The category of the whole factor. Usually this is the same with the category of the statements making up the factor value. However in cases like the example above, where the value describes a treatment while the factor overall represents a phenotype, they can differ.

gemma.R includes a convenience function to create a simplified design matrix out of these factor values for a given experiment. This will unpack the nested data.frames and provide a more human readable output, giving each available factor it’s own column.

design <- make_design(samples)
design[,-1] %>% head %>%  # first column is just a copy of the original factor values
collection of material block phenotype treatment DE_Include Batch_09_5/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… reference substance role DE_Include Batch_07_5/18/05 reference subject role reference substance role
pt11.or DE_Exclude Batch_05_4/19/05 resistant to toward docetax… DE_Include Batch_06_4/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… reference substance role
pt29.or DE_Exclude Batch_01_3/8/05 resistant to toward docetax…
pt20.or DE_Exclude Batch_04_4/7/05 resistant to toward docetax…

Using this output, here we look at the sample sizes for different experimental groups.

design %>%
    group_by(treatment,phenotype,`collection of material`) %>% 
    summarize(n= n()) %>% 
    arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'treatment', 'phenotype'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.
treatment phenotype collection of material n
resistant to toward docetax… DE_Exclude 16
reference substance role resistant to toward docetax… DE_Include 13
capecitabine, docetaxel tri… reference subject role DE_Include 9
capecitabine, docetaxel tri… resistant to toward docetax… DE_Include 9
reference substance role reference subject role DE_Include 8
reference subject role DE_Exclude 6

3.2 Differential expression analysis factor values

For most experiments it contains, Gemma performs automated differential expression analyses. The kinds of analyses that will be performed is informed by the factor values belonging to the samples.

# removing columns containing factor values and URIs for brevity
remove_columns <- c('baseline.factors','experimental.factors','subsetFactor','factor.category.URI')

dea <- get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses("GSE18728")

dea[,.SD,.SDcols = !remove_columns] %>% 
result.ID contrast.ID experiment.ID factor.category factor.ID isSubset probes.analyzed genes.analyzed
573720 134951 2914 treatment 24473 TRUE 54674 21270
573721 76119_134951 2914 phenotype,treatment 11430,24473 TRUE 54672 21269
573722 76119 2914 phenotype 11430 TRUE 54674 21270

The example above shows the differential expression analyses results. Each row of this data.table represents a differential expression contrast connected to a fold change and a p value in the output of get_differential_expression_values function. If we look at the contrast.ID we will see the factor value identifiers returned in the ID column of our sample.factorValues. These represent which factor value is used as the experimental factor. Note that some rows will have two IDs appended together. These represent the interaction effects of multiple factors. For simplicty, we will start from a contrast without an interaction.

contrast <- dea[1,]
# removing URIs for brevity
uri_columns = c('category.URI',

contrast$baseline.factors[[1]][,.SD,.SDcols = !uri_columns] %>% 
category value predicate object summary ID factor.ID factor.category
treatment reference substance role NA NA reference substance role 134950 24473 treatment
contrast$experimental.factors[[1]][,.SD,.SDcols = !uri_columns] %>% 
category value predicate object summary ID factor.ID factor.category
treatment capecitabine NA NA docetaxel trihydrate, capec… 134951 24473 treatment
treatment docetaxel trihydrate NA NA docetaxel trihydrate, capec… 134951 24473 treatment

Here, we can see the baseline is the non-resistant controls, being compared to drug resistant patients.

If we examine a factor with interaction, both baseline and experimental factor value columns will contain two factor values.

contrast <- dea[2,]
contrast$baseline.factors[[1]][,.SD,.SDcols = !uri_columns] %>% 
category value predicate object summary ID factor.ID factor.category
:——– :—– :——— :—— :——- –: ———: :—————
contrast$experimental.factors[[1]][,.SD,.SDcols = !uri_columns] %>% 
category value predicate object summary ID factor.ID factor.category
phenotype resistant to toward capecitabine resistant to toward docetax… 76119 11430 phenotype
phenotype resistant to toward docetaxel trihydrate resistant to toward docetax… 76119 11430 phenotype
treatment capecitabine NA NA docetaxel trihydrate, capec… 134951 24473 treatment
treatment docetaxel trihydrate NA NA docetaxel trihydrate, capec… 134951 24473 treatment

A third place that can contain factorValues is the subsetFactor. Certain differential expression analyses disclude certain samples based on a given factor. In this example we can see the curators added a specific factor to remove some samples from differential expression analyses

contrast$subsetFactor[[1]][,.SD,.SDcols = !uri_columns] %>%
category value predicate object summary ID factor.ID factor.category
collection of material DE_Include NA NA DE_Include 134952 24474 NA

Looking at the design table we made above, you can see that these were samples where treatment was not specified.

The ids of the factor values included in baseline.factors and experimental.factors along with subsetFactor can be used to determine which samples represent a given contrast. For convenience, get_dataset_object function which is used to compile metadata and expression data of an experiment in a single object, includes resultSets and contrasts argument which will return the data already composed of samples representing a particular contrast.

obj <-  get_dataset_object("GSE18728",resultSets = contrast$result.ID,contrasts = contrast$contrast.ID,type = 'list')
obj[[1]]$design[,-1] %>% 
    head %>% gemma_kable()
collection of material block phenotype treatment DE_Include Batch_09_5/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… reference substance role DE_Include Batch_07_5/18/05 reference subject role reference substance role DE_Include Batch_06_4/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… reference substance role DE_Include Batch_06_4/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… reference substance role DE_Include Batch_09_5/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… reference substance role
pt17.c2 DE_Include Batch_06_4/20/05 resistant to toward docetax… capecitabine, docetaxel tri…

We suggested that the contrast.ID of a contrast also corresponded to a column in the differential expression results, acquired by get_differential_expression_values. We can use what we have learned to take a look at the expression of genes at the top of the phenotype, treatment interaction. Each result.ID returns its separate table when accessing diferential expression values.

dif_vals <- get_differential_expression_values('GSE18728')
dif_vals[[as.character(contrast$result.ID)]] %>% head %>%  
Probe NCBIid GeneSymbol GeneName pvalue corrected_pvalue rank contrast_76119_134951_log2fc contrast_76119_134951_tstat contrast_76119_134951_pvalue
205278_at 2571 GAD1 glutamate decarboxylase 1 0.8487 0.9780 0.8677 0.0950 0.1922 0.8487
220185_at 57731 SPTBN4 spectrin beta, non-erythroc… 0.1935 0.7691 0.2515 0.1804 1.3250 0.1935
206956_at 632&#124;100527963 BGLAP&#124;PMF1-BGLAP bone gamma-carboxyglutamate… 0.2722 0.8151 0.3339 -0.2307 -1.1150 0.2722
1554700_at 1005 CDH7 cadherin 7 0.7024 0.9529 0.7371 0.0325 0.3851 0.7024
1570225_at 0.4709 0.8919 0.5279 -0.0714 -0.7287 0.4709
208930_s_at 3609 ILF3 interleukin enhancer bindin… 0.1652 0.7500 0.2203 0.3637 1.4164 0.1652

To get the top genes found associated with this interaction we access the columns with the correct contrast.ID.

# getting the top 10 genes
top_genes <- dif_vals[[as.character(contrast$result.ID)]] %>% 
    arrange(across(paste0('contrast_',contrast$contrast.ID,'_pvalue'))) %>% 
    filter(GeneSymbol!='' | grepl("|",GeneSymbol,fixed = TRUE)) %>% # remove blank genes or probes with multiple genes
top_genes %>% select(Probe,NCBIid,GeneSymbol) %>% 
Probe NCBIid GeneSymbol
224643_at 133619 PRRC1
217791_s_at 5832 ALDH18A1
207409_at 3950 LECT2
204802_at 6236 RRAD
215423_at 10299 MARCHF6
202721_s_at 2673 GFPT1
221734_at 133619 PRRC1
218897_at 80775 TMEM177
222416_at 5832 ALDH18A1
214618_at 8837 CFLAR
exp_subset<- obj[[1]]$exp %>% 
    filter(Probe %in% top_genes$Probe)
genes <- top_genes$GeneSymbol

# ordering design file
design <- obj[[1]]$design %>% arrange(treatment,phenotype)

# shorten the resistance label a bit
design$phenotype[design$phenotype == "resistant to toward capecitabine, resistant to toward docetaxel trihydrate"] = "drug resistant"

exp_subset[,.SD,.SDcols = rownames(design)] %>% t  %>% scale %>% t %>%
    pheatmap(cluster_rows = FALSE,cluster_cols = FALSE,labels_row = genes,
             annotation_col =design %>% select(phenotype,treatment))

Session info

## R version 4.4.0 beta (2024-04-15 r86425)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.19-bioc/R/lib/ 
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## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] listviewer_4.0.0            viridis_0.6.5              
##  [3] viridisLite_0.4.2           pheatmap_1.0.12            
##  [5] SummarizedExperiment_1.33.3 Biobase_2.63.1             
##  [7] GenomicRanges_1.55.4        GenomeInfoDb_1.39.14       
##  [9] IRanges_2.37.1              S4Vectors_0.41.7           
## [11] BiocGenerics_0.49.1         MatrixGenerics_1.15.1      
## [13] matrixStats_1.3.0           ggrepel_0.9.5              
## [15] ggplot2_3.5.1               dplyr_1.1.4                
## [17] data.table_1.15.4           gemma.R_2.99.7             
## [19] BiocStyle_2.31.0           
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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##  [4] digest_0.6.35           timechange_0.3.0        lifecycle_1.0.4        
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## [43] vctrs_0.6.5             Matrix_1.7-0            jsonlite_1.8.8         
## [46] bookdown_0.39           bit64_4.0.5             magick_2.8.3           
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## [73] xfun_0.43               pkgconfig_2.0.3