Payman Nickchi, Abdollah Safari, Minoo Ashtiani, Mohieddin Jafari


IMMAN is specified to retrieve the interlog protein network shared across diverse species. For this aim, first we exceed orthology relationships among sequences from various species by iterating over any pair of input species, and using the Needleman-Wunsch alignment algorithm and a best reciprocal hit strategy to reach the orthologues through all versus all pairwise cross-species alignments. From orthology assignment, we derive Orthologous Protein sets (OPSs), an assortment of clusters of orthologues(maximum one per species) which will conform the nodes of the so-called Interolog Protein Network (IPN).

We exceed n species-specific interlog protein networks from STRING database, where each node maps to a single OPS in the IPN, and distinguish the edges of the outcome IPN by choosing only edges linking nodes in the IPN that also are linked in at least species-specific networks (where ‘k’ is set as a parameter).

A scoring system is used by the alignment process, which can be described as a set of values specified for quantifying the likelihood of one residue that has been substituted by another in an alignment. The scoring systems used by alignment procedure is called a substitution matrix and it can be achieved from statistical analysis of residue substitution data from sets of reputable alignments of highly relevent sequences. Using identityU value which ranges from 0 to 100, user would be able to specialize how the IPNs should be larger or not. As the value of identityU gets higher, the algorithm will find much similar orthologs and vice versa. We used gapOpening and gapExtension arguments to figure numeric values of ortholog proteins. For matching alignments of proteins if we skip a protein, gapOpening argument would be incremented. The smaller the amount of gap, protein alignements are more similar to each other. The score_threshold argument is specified for evaluating the similarity values between two proteins in substitutionMatrix. It differs from 0 to 100, however, the common use ranges from 25 to 30. The transference of interactionn among orthologs of different species called the interlog approach. We used Besthit argument to reach proteins which has the most similarity in all versus all protein alignment. If an interaction was exist between each pair of proteins of OPSs, an edge would be linked in the IPN. The coverage_threshold specifies the number of interactions that are exist among pair of proteins of OPSs. It differs from 1 to number of species. As much as the value of coverage_threshold was high, the final IPN would be more robust and usually smaller. NetworkShrinkage argument determine whether two similar OPSs which have ortholog proteins in common should be merged or not. If it was TRUE the resulting IPN would be smaller.

For using this package, we assume that the “CINNA” package has been properly installed into the R environment. After installations, the “CINNA” package can be loaded via


For illustration, we will read two datasets from different species which can be accessed via:


Then, we have to make a list of dataset species and set their taxanomy IDs.

ProteinLists = list(as.character(Celegance$V1), as.character(FruitFly$V1))

List1_Species_ID = 6239  # taxonomy ID Celegance
List2_Species_ID = 7227  # taxonomy ID FruitFly

Species_IDs  = c(List1_Species_ID, List2_Species_ID)

To continue, set the parameters to run the analysis. Here is a description of parameters in IMMAN. If you need more information you can refer to the paper.

identityU: Cut off value for selecting proteins whose alignment score is greater or equal than identityU.

substitutionMatrix: Which scoring matrix to be used for alignment setting gapOpening and gapExtension for alignment purposes.

For NetworkShrinkage, coverage, and BestHit refer to paper.

STRINGversion: Indicated which version of STRING database should program search in for the score of PPIs.

Then, we will set the argument values:

identityU = 30
substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM62"
gapOpening = -8
gapExtension = -8
NetworkShrinkage = FALSE
coverage = 1
BestHit = TRUE
score_threshold = 400

Finally, we can run the IMMAN function:

output = IMMAN(ProteinLists, fileNames=NULL, Species_IDs,
              identityU, substitutionMatrix,
              gapOpening, gapExtension, BestHit,
              coverage, NetworkShrinkage,
              score_threshold, STRINGversion,
              InputDirectory = getwd())
## Step 1/4:Downloading amino acid sequences...
## Downloading amino acid sequences of List1
## Downloading amino acid sequences of List2
## Step 2/4: Alignment...
## Align List1 with List2
## Step 3/4: Detection in STRING...
## Detecting List1 in STRING
## Detecting List2 in STRING
## Step 4/4: Retrieving String Network...
## Retrieving List1
## Retrieving List2
## Producing IPN...
## DONE!

In order to see some particular parts of the result, you can use:

##       node1   node2
## 1   OPS0001 OPS0004
## 2   OPS0001 OPS0009
## 3   OPS0001 OPS0019
## 4   OPS0001 OPS0021
## 5   OPS0001 OPS0025
## 6   OPS0001 OPS0027
## 7   OPS0001 OPS0030
## 8   OPS0001 OPS0031
## 9   OPS0001 OPS0036
## 10  OPS0001 OPS0037
## 11  OPS0001 OPS0044
## 12  OPS0001 OPS0049
## 13  OPS0001 OPS0055
## 14  OPS0001 OPS0061
## 15  OPS0002 OPS0023
## 16  OPS0002 OPS0056
## 17  OPS0004 OPS0007
## 18  OPS0004 OPS0009
## 19  OPS0004 OPS0011
## 20  OPS0004 OPS0012
## 21  OPS0004 OPS0017
## 22  OPS0004 OPS0024
## 23  OPS0004 OPS0025
## 24  OPS0004 OPS0042
## 25  OPS0004 OPS0062
## 26  OPS0006 OPS0007
## 27  OPS0006 OPS0008
## 28  OPS0006 OPS0012
## 29  OPS0006 OPS0015
## 30  OPS0006 OPS0016
## 31  OPS0006 OPS0022
## 32  OPS0006 OPS0024
## 33  OPS0006 OPS0025
## 34  OPS0006 OPS0026
## 35  OPS0006 OPS0028
## 36  OPS0006 OPS0029
## 37  OPS0006 OPS0030
## 38  OPS0006 OPS0031
## 39  OPS0006 OPS0034
## 40  OPS0006 OPS0036
## 41  OPS0006 OPS0037
## 42  OPS0006 OPS0038
## 43  OPS0006 OPS0039
## 44  OPS0006 OPS0046
## 45  OPS0006 OPS0047
## 46  OPS0006 OPS0048
## 47  OPS0006 OPS0050
## 48  OPS0006 OPS0051
## 49  OPS0006 OPS0058
## 50  OPS0006 OPS0059
## 51  OPS0006 OPS0062
## 52  OPS0007 OPS0008
## 53  OPS0007 OPS0011
## 54  OPS0007 OPS0012
## 55  OPS0007 OPS0015
## 56  OPS0007 OPS0016
## 57  OPS0007 OPS0018
## 58  OPS0007 OPS0022
## 59  OPS0007 OPS0023
## 60  OPS0007 OPS0024
## 61  OPS0007 OPS0025
## 62  OPS0007 OPS0026
## 63  OPS0007 OPS0028
## 64  OPS0007 OPS0029
## 65  OPS0007 OPS0030
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## 74  OPS0007 OPS0050
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## 78  OPS0007 OPS0059
## 79  OPS0007 OPS0062
## 80  OPS0008 OPS0011
## 81  OPS0008 OPS0012
## 82  OPS0008 OPS0016
## 83  OPS0008 OPS0018
## 84  OPS0008 OPS0022
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## 88  OPS0008 OPS0027
## 89  OPS0008 OPS0029
## 90  OPS0008 OPS0031
## 91  OPS0008 OPS0034
## 92  OPS0008 OPS0037
## 93  OPS0008 OPS0038
## 94  OPS0008 OPS0039
## 95  OPS0008 OPS0042
## 96  OPS0008 OPS0048
## 97  OPS0008 OPS0051
## 98  OPS0008 OPS0053
## 99  OPS0008 OPS0059
## 100 OPS0008 OPS0062
## 101 OPS0009 OPS0011
## 102 OPS0009 OPS0017
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## 444 OPS0058 OPS0063
## 445 OPS0059 OPS0062
## 446 OPS0059 OPS0063
##                node1            node2 OPSLabel
## 1       6239.C18E9.6 7227.FBpp0085338  OPS0001
## 2       6239.R07B7.5 7227.FBpp0088005  OPS0002
## 3     6239.Y67H2A.4a 7227.FBpp0111941  OPS0003
## 4  6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2 7227.FBpp0073290  OPS0004
## 5     6239.R07G3.5.2 7227.FBpp0070350  OPS0005
## 6       6239.MTCE.31 7227.FBpp0100177  OPS0006
## 7     6239.F42A8.2.1 7227.FBpp0085489  OPS0007
## 8     6239.H28O16.1a 7227.FBpp0071794  OPS0008
## 9    6239.C34C12.8.1 7227.FBpp0086795  OPS0009
## 10    6239.ZK370.5.1 7227.FBpp0111805  OPS0010
## 11   6239.F10D11.1.2 7227.FBpp0086226  OPS0011
## 12   6239.C34E10.6.2 7227.FBpp0305828  OPS0012
## 13    6239.M01F1.3.3 7227.FBpp0288705  OPS0013
## 14     6239.Y47G6A.8 7227.FBpp0086223  OPS0014
## 15    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0083137  OPS0015
## 16      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0083137  OPS0016
## 17    6239.C34B2.6.1 7227.FBpp0271918  OPS0017
## 18  6239.F13D12.4a.2 7227.FBpp0070087  OPS0018
## 19    6239.ZK1248.14 7227.FBpp0070873  OPS0019
## 20   6239.K08F11.5.2 7227.FBpp0302814  OPS0020
## 21    6239.C47G2.3.1 7227.FBpp0083078  OPS0021
## 22  6239.Y37D8A.14.2 7227.FBpp0081947  OPS0022
## 23    6239.C05G5.4.1 7227.FBpp0073010  OPS0023
## 24    6239.C03G5.1.2 7227.FBpp0085736  OPS0024
## 25    6239.R05G6.7.2 7227.FBpp0079772  OPS0025
## 26     6239.H06I04.2 7227.FBpp0076607  OPS0026
## 27    6239.C29E4.8.1 7227.FBpp0072072  OPS0027
## 28    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0086748  OPS0028
## 29      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0086748  OPS0029
## 30    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0086555  OPS0030
## 31      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0086555  OPS0031
## 32      6239.B0250.5 7227.FBpp0085821  OPS0032
## 33     6239.F02A9.4a 7227.FBpp0085460  OPS0033
## 34     6239.ZK836.2a 7227.FBpp0085117  OPS0034
## 35   6239.W02B12.9.2 7227.FBpp0084635  OPS0035
## 36    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0082657  OPS0036
## 37      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0082657  OPS0037
## 38    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0082412  OPS0038
## 39      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0082412  OPS0039
## 40   6239.ZK1128.1.2 7227.FBpp0081828  OPS0040
## 41   6239.F57B9.4b.1 7227.FBpp0081347  OPS0041
## 42   6239.F29C12.4.2 7227.FBpp0079041  OPS0042
## 43     6239.C08F8.2a 7227.FBpp0271517  OPS0043
## 44    6239.E04A4.5.2 7227.FBpp0078430  OPS0044
## 45    6239.F49E8.5.1 7227.FBpp0077414  OPS0045
## 46    6239.T08G2.3.1 7227.FBpp0076520  OPS0046
## 47    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0291478  OPS0047
## 48      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0291478  OPS0048
## 49        6239.DY3.1 7227.FBpp0075820  OPS0049
## 50    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0298344  OPS0050
## 51      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0298344  OPS0051
## 52  6239.C16A3.10a.1 7227.FBpp0074729  OPS0052
## 53    6239.F43G9.1.2 7227.FBpp0300338  OPS0053
## 54  6239.Y55F3AM.1.1 7227.FBpp0073762  OPS0054
## 55    6239.C06G3.11a 7227.FBpp0073606  OPS0055
## 56      6239.ZK652.9 7227.FBpp0073568  OPS0056
## 57    6239.T08B2.8.2 7227.FBpp0303832  OPS0057
## 58    6239.E04A4.7.3 7227.FBpp0072334  OPS0058
## 59      6239.MTCE.21 7227.FBpp0072334  OPS0059
## 60   6239.Y38F1A.6.6 7227.FBpp0071759  OPS0060
## 61 6239.Y66D12A.22.2 7227.FBpp0071593  OPS0061
## 62    6239.T20G5.2.2 7227.FBpp0070871  OPS0062
## 63   6239.B0035.16.1 7227.FBpp0070168  OPS0063
## [[1]]
##                 from                to
## 1     6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.C05G5.4.1
## 2       6239.B0250.5  6239.C16A3.10a.1
## 3     6239.C06G3.11a      6239.C18E9.6
## 4       6239.C18E9.6    6239.C29E4.8.1
## 5     6239.C29E4.8.1    6239.C34B2.6.1
## 6       6239.B0250.5   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 7       6239.C18E9.6   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 8     6239.C29E4.8.1   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 9     6239.C34B2.6.1   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 10    6239.C03G5.1.2   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 11    6239.C05G5.4.1   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 12    6239.C29E4.8.1   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 13    6239.C06G3.11a    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 14      6239.C18E9.6    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 15   6239.C34C12.8.1    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 16    6239.C06G3.11a        6239.DY3.1
## 17      6239.C18E9.6        6239.DY3.1
## 18    6239.C47G2.3.1        6239.DY3.1
## 19    6239.C06G3.11a    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 20      6239.C18E9.6    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 21   6239.C34C12.8.1    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 22    6239.C47G2.3.1    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 23        6239.DY3.1    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 24   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.E04A4.7.3
## 25  6239.C16A3.10a.1   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 26    6239.C34B2.6.1   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 27   6239.C34C12.8.1   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 28      6239.B0250.5  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 29    6239.C03G5.1.2  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 30   6239.C34E10.6.2  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 31    6239.C29E4.8.1   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 32   6239.C34C12.8.1   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 33   6239.C34E10.6.2   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 34    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 35    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 36   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 37    6239.E04A4.7.3    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 38   6239.F10D11.1.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 39  6239.F13D12.4a.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 40    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 41    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 42  6239.C16A3.10a.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 43    6239.C34B2.6.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 44   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 45    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 46    6239.C47G2.3.1   6239.F57B9.4b.1
## 47    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 48    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 49    6239.C29E4.8.1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 50   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 51   6239.F10D11.1.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 52   6239.F29C12.4.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 53    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 54    6239.F43G9.1.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 55   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.M01F1.3.3
## 56    6239.C03G5.1.2      6239.MTCE.21
## 57   6239.C34E10.6.2      6239.MTCE.21
## 58    6239.E04A4.7.3      6239.MTCE.21
## 59    6239.F42A8.2.1      6239.MTCE.21
## 60   6239.F57B9.4b.1      6239.MTCE.21
## 61     6239.H06I04.2      6239.MTCE.21
## 62    6239.H28O16.1a      6239.MTCE.21
## 63    6239.C03G5.1.2      6239.MTCE.31
## 64   6239.C34E10.6.2      6239.MTCE.31
## 65    6239.E04A4.7.3      6239.MTCE.31
## 66    6239.F42A8.2.1      6239.MTCE.31
## 67     6239.H06I04.2      6239.MTCE.31
## 68    6239.H28O16.1a      6239.MTCE.31
## 69      6239.MTCE.21      6239.MTCE.31
## 70    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 71      6239.C18E9.6    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 72   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 73    6239.C47G2.3.1    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 74    6239.E04A4.7.3    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 75    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 76    6239.H28O16.1a    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 77      6239.MTCE.31    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 78    6239.C05G5.4.1      6239.R07B7.5
## 79    6239.C06G3.11a    6239.T08B2.8.2
## 80        6239.DY3.1    6239.T08B2.8.2
## 81    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 82     6239.F02A9.4a    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 83    6239.F43G9.1.2    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 84    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 85    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 86    6239.C34B2.6.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 87   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 88   6239.F10D11.1.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 89    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 90    6239.F43G9.1.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 91    6239.F49E8.5.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 92    6239.H28O16.1a    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 93      6239.MTCE.21    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 94    6239.R05G6.7.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 95    6239.T20G5.2.2   6239.W02B12.9.2
## 96    6239.C03G5.1.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 97      6239.C18E9.6 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 98    6239.C34B2.6.1 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 99   6239.C34C12.8.1 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 100  6239.C34E10.6.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 101  6239.F10D11.1.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 102  6239.F29C12.4.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 103   6239.F42A8.2.1 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 104   6239.R05G6.7.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 105   6239.T20G5.2.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 106  6239.C34E10.6.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 107   6239.E04A4.7.3  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 108  6239.F10D11.1.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 109   6239.F42A8.2.1  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 110    6239.H06I04.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 111   6239.H28O16.1a  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 112     6239.MTCE.21  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 113     6239.MTCE.31  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 114   6239.R05G6.7.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 115   6239.T20G5.2.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 116 6239.C16A3.10a.1   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 117 6239.F13D12.4a.2   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 118   6239.T08G2.3.1   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 119   6239.C06G3.11a 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 120     6239.C18E9.6 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 121  6239.C34C12.8.1 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 122   6239.C47G2.3.1 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 123       6239.DY3.1 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 124   6239.E04A4.5.2 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 125   6239.T08B2.8.2 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 126     6239.C18E9.6    6239.ZK1248.14
## 127   6239.E04A4.7.3    6239.ZK1248.14
## 128  6239.K08F11.5.2    6239.ZK1248.14
## 129   6239.R05G6.7.2    6239.ZK1248.14
## 130   6239.C03G5.1.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 131   6239.C05G5.4.1     6239.ZK836.2a
## 132  6239.C34E10.6.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 133   6239.F42A8.2.1     6239.ZK836.2a
## 134   6239.F43G9.1.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 135   6239.H28O16.1a     6239.ZK836.2a
## 136     6239.MTCE.31     6239.ZK836.2a
## 137   6239.T20G5.2.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 138    6239.F02A9.4a      6239.ZK652.9
## 139  6239.F57B9.4b.1      6239.ZK652.9
## 140     6239.R07B7.5      6239.ZK652.9
## 141 6239.C16A3.10a.1   6239.ZK1128.1.2
## [[2]]
##                 from               to
## 1   7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0070873
## 2   7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0071759
## 3   7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0071794
## 4   7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0071794
## 5   7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0072072
## 6   7227.FBpp0070168 7227.FBpp0072334
## 7   7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0072334
## 8   7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0073010
## 9   7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0073010
## 10  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0073290
## 11  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0073606
## 12  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0073762
## 13  7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0074729
## 14  7227.FBpp0071759 7227.FBpp0074729
## 15  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0075820
## 16  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0075820
## 17  7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0076520
## 18  7227.FBpp0071759 7227.FBpp0076520
## 19  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0076520
## 20  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0077414
## 21  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0077414
## 22  7227.FBpp0076520 7227.FBpp0077414
## 23  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0078430
## 24  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0078430
## 25  7227.FBpp0075820 7227.FBpp0078430
## 26  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0079041
## 27  7227.FBpp0072072 7227.FBpp0079041
## 28  7227.FBpp0072334 7227.FBpp0079041
## 29  7227.FBpp0073290 7227.FBpp0079041
## 30  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0079772
## 31  7227.FBpp0070873 7227.FBpp0079772
## 32  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0079772
## 33  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0079772
## 34  7227.FBpp0073290 7227.FBpp0079772
## 35  7227.FBpp0073568 7227.FBpp0081347
## 36  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0081947
## 37  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0081947
## 38  7227.FBpp0072072 7227.FBpp0081947
## 39  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0081947
## 40  7227.FBpp0076607 7227.FBpp0081947
## 41  7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0081947
## 42  7227.FBpp0070168 7227.FBpp0082412
## 43  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0082412
## 44  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0082412
## 45  7227.FBpp0079041 7227.FBpp0082412
## 46  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0082657
## 47  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0082657
## 48  7227.FBpp0075820 7227.FBpp0082657
## 49  7227.FBpp0078430 7227.FBpp0082657
## 50  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0083078
## 51  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0083078
## 52  7227.FBpp0075820 7227.FBpp0083078
## 53  7227.FBpp0078430 7227.FBpp0083078
## 54  7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0083078
## 55  7227.FBpp0081347 7227.FBpp0083078
## 56  7227.FBpp0082657 7227.FBpp0083078
## 57  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0085117
## 58  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0085117
## 59  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0085117
## 60  7227.FBpp0070873 7227.FBpp0085338
## 61  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0085338
## 62  7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0085338
## 63  7227.FBpp0075820 7227.FBpp0085338
## 64  7227.FBpp0078430 7227.FBpp0085338
## 65  7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0085338
## 66  7227.FBpp0082657 7227.FBpp0085338
## 67  7227.FBpp0083078 7227.FBpp0085338
## 68  7227.FBpp0073568 7227.FBpp0085460
## 69  7227.FBpp0076520 7227.FBpp0085460
## 70  7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0085489
## 71  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0085489
## 72  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0085489
## 73  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0085489
## 74  7227.FBpp0076607 7227.FBpp0085489
## 75  7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0085489
## 76  7227.FBpp0081947 7227.FBpp0085489
## 77  7227.FBpp0085117 7227.FBpp0085489
## 78  7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0085736
## 79  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0085736
## 80  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0085736
## 81  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0085736
## 82  7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0085736
## 83  7227.FBpp0085117 7227.FBpp0085736
## 84  7227.FBpp0085489 7227.FBpp0085736
## 85  7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0085821
## 86  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0085821
## 87  7227.FBpp0072072 7227.FBpp0085821
## 88  7227.FBpp0074729 7227.FBpp0085821
## 89  7227.FBpp0085460 7227.FBpp0085821
## 90  7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0086226
## 91  7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0086226
## 92  7227.FBpp0072072 7227.FBpp0086226
## 93  7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0086226
## 94  7227.FBpp0073290 7227.FBpp0086226
## 95  7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0086226
## 96  7227.FBpp0081947 7227.FBpp0086226
## 97  7227.FBpp0085489 7227.FBpp0086226
## 98  7227.FBpp0085736 7227.FBpp0086226
## 99  7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0086555
## 100 7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0086555
## 101 7227.FBpp0075820 7227.FBpp0086555
## 102 7227.FBpp0078430 7227.FBpp0086555
## 103 7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0086555
## 104 7227.FBpp0083078 7227.FBpp0086555
## 105 7227.FBpp0085338 7227.FBpp0086555
## 106 7227.FBpp0070087 7227.FBpp0086748
## 107 7227.FBpp0071759 7227.FBpp0086748
## 108 7227.FBpp0085489 7227.FBpp0086748
## 109 7227.FBpp0086226 7227.FBpp0086748
## 110 7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0086795
## 111 7227.FBpp0073290 7227.FBpp0086795
## 112 7227.FBpp0078430 7227.FBpp0086795
## 113 7227.FBpp0079041 7227.FBpp0086795
## 114 7227.FBpp0082657 7227.FBpp0086795
## 115 7227.FBpp0083078 7227.FBpp0086795
## 116 7227.FBpp0085338 7227.FBpp0086795
## 117 7227.FBpp0085821 7227.FBpp0086795
## 118 7227.FBpp0086226 7227.FBpp0086795
## 119 7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0088005
## 120 7227.FBpp0073568 7227.FBpp0088005
## 121 7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0100177
## 122 7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0100177
## 123 7227.FBpp0076520 7227.FBpp0100177
## 124 7227.FBpp0076607 7227.FBpp0100177
## 125 7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0100177
## 126 7227.FBpp0081947 7227.FBpp0100177
## 127 7227.FBpp0085117 7227.FBpp0100177
## 128 7227.FBpp0085489 7227.FBpp0100177
## 129 7227.FBpp0085736 7227.FBpp0100177
## 130 7227.FBpp0076520 7227.FBpp0111805
## 131 7227.FBpp0073290 7227.FBpp0271918
## 132 7227.FBpp0086795 7227.FBpp0271918
## 133 7227.FBpp0070168 7227.FBpp0291478
## 134 7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0291478
## 135 7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0291478
## 136 7227.FBpp0082412 7227.FBpp0291478
## 137 7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0300338
## 138 7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0300338
## 139 7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0300338
## 140 7227.FBpp0076520 7227.FBpp0300338
## 141 7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0300338
## 142 7227.FBpp0085117 7227.FBpp0300338
## 143 7227.FBpp0085489 7227.FBpp0300338
## 144 7227.FBpp0085736 7227.FBpp0300338
## 145 7227.FBpp0271918 7227.FBpp0300338
## 146 7227.FBpp0070873 7227.FBpp0302814
## 147 7227.FBpp0075820 7227.FBpp0302814
## 148 7227.FBpp0071593 7227.FBpp0303832
## 149 7227.FBpp0073606 7227.FBpp0303832
## 150 7227.FBpp0073762 7227.FBpp0303832
## 151 7227.FBpp0081947 7227.FBpp0303832
## 152 7227.FBpp0082412 7227.FBpp0303832
## 153 7227.FBpp0070871 7227.FBpp0305828
## 154 7227.FBpp0071794 7227.FBpp0305828
## 155 7227.FBpp0072072 7227.FBpp0305828
## 156 7227.FBpp0073010 7227.FBpp0305828
## 157 7227.FBpp0073290 7227.FBpp0305828
## 158 7227.FBpp0079041 7227.FBpp0305828
## 159 7227.FBpp0079772 7227.FBpp0305828
## 160 7227.FBpp0081947 7227.FBpp0305828
## 161 7227.FBpp0085117 7227.FBpp0305828
## 162 7227.FBpp0085489 7227.FBpp0305828
## 163 7227.FBpp0085736 7227.FBpp0305828
## 164 7227.FBpp0086226 7227.FBpp0305828
## 165 7227.FBpp0100177 7227.FBpp0305828
## 166 7227.FBpp0300338 7227.FBpp0305828
## 167 7227.FBpp0073568 7227.FBpp0298344
## 168 7227.FBpp0081347 7227.FBpp0298344
##                 from                to
## 1     6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.C05G5.4.1
## 2       6239.B0250.5  6239.C16A3.10a.1
## 3     6239.C06G3.11a      6239.C18E9.6
## 4       6239.C18E9.6    6239.C29E4.8.1
## 5     6239.C29E4.8.1    6239.C34B2.6.1
## 6       6239.B0250.5   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 7       6239.C18E9.6   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 8     6239.C29E4.8.1   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 9     6239.C34B2.6.1   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 10    6239.C03G5.1.2   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 11    6239.C05G5.4.1   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 12    6239.C29E4.8.1   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 13    6239.C06G3.11a    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 14      6239.C18E9.6    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 15   6239.C34C12.8.1    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 16    6239.C06G3.11a        6239.DY3.1
## 17      6239.C18E9.6        6239.DY3.1
## 18    6239.C47G2.3.1        6239.DY3.1
## 19    6239.C06G3.11a    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 20      6239.C18E9.6    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 21   6239.C34C12.8.1    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 22    6239.C47G2.3.1    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 23        6239.DY3.1    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 24   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.E04A4.7.3
## 25  6239.C16A3.10a.1   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 26    6239.C34B2.6.1   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 27   6239.C34C12.8.1   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 28      6239.B0250.5  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 29    6239.C03G5.1.2  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 30   6239.C34E10.6.2  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 31    6239.C29E4.8.1   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 32   6239.C34C12.8.1   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 33   6239.C34E10.6.2   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 34    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 35    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 36   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 37    6239.E04A4.7.3    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 38   6239.F10D11.1.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 39  6239.F13D12.4a.2    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 40    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 41    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 42  6239.C16A3.10a.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 43    6239.C34B2.6.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 44   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 45    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 46    6239.C47G2.3.1   6239.F57B9.4b.1
## 47    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 48    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 49    6239.C29E4.8.1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 50   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 51   6239.F10D11.1.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 52   6239.F29C12.4.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 53    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 54    6239.F43G9.1.2    6239.H28O16.1a
## 55   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.M01F1.3.3
## 56    6239.C03G5.1.2      6239.MTCE.21
## 57   6239.C34E10.6.2      6239.MTCE.21
## 58    6239.E04A4.7.3      6239.MTCE.21
## 59    6239.F42A8.2.1      6239.MTCE.21
## 60   6239.F57B9.4b.1      6239.MTCE.21
## 61     6239.H06I04.2      6239.MTCE.21
## 62    6239.H28O16.1a      6239.MTCE.21
## 63    6239.C03G5.1.2      6239.MTCE.31
## 64   6239.C34E10.6.2      6239.MTCE.31
## 65    6239.E04A4.7.3      6239.MTCE.31
## 66    6239.F42A8.2.1      6239.MTCE.31
## 67     6239.H06I04.2      6239.MTCE.31
## 68    6239.H28O16.1a      6239.MTCE.31
## 69      6239.MTCE.21      6239.MTCE.31
## 70    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 71      6239.C18E9.6    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 72   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 73    6239.C47G2.3.1    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 74    6239.E04A4.7.3    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 75    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 76    6239.H28O16.1a    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 77      6239.MTCE.31    6239.R05G6.7.2
## 78    6239.C05G5.4.1      6239.R07B7.5
## 79    6239.C06G3.11a    6239.T08B2.8.2
## 80        6239.DY3.1    6239.T08B2.8.2
## 81    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 82     6239.F02A9.4a    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 83    6239.F43G9.1.2    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 84    6239.C03G5.1.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 85    6239.C05G5.4.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 86    6239.C34B2.6.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 87   6239.C34E10.6.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 88   6239.F10D11.1.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 89    6239.F42A8.2.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 90    6239.F43G9.1.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 91    6239.F49E8.5.1    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 92    6239.H28O16.1a    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 93      6239.MTCE.21    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 94    6239.R05G6.7.2    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 95    6239.T20G5.2.2   6239.W02B12.9.2
## 96    6239.C03G5.1.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 97      6239.C18E9.6 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 98    6239.C34B2.6.1 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 99   6239.C34C12.8.1 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 100  6239.C34E10.6.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 101  6239.F10D11.1.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 102  6239.F29C12.4.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 103   6239.F42A8.2.1 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 104   6239.R05G6.7.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 105   6239.T20G5.2.2 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 106  6239.C34E10.6.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 107   6239.E04A4.7.3  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 108  6239.F10D11.1.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 109   6239.F42A8.2.1  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 110    6239.H06I04.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 111   6239.H28O16.1a  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 112     6239.MTCE.21  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 113     6239.MTCE.31  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 114   6239.R05G6.7.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 115   6239.T20G5.2.2  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 116 6239.C16A3.10a.1   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 117 6239.F13D12.4a.2   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 118   6239.T08G2.3.1   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 119   6239.C06G3.11a 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 120     6239.C18E9.6 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 121  6239.C34C12.8.1 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 122   6239.C47G2.3.1 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 123       6239.DY3.1 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 124   6239.E04A4.5.2 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 125   6239.T08B2.8.2 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 126     6239.C18E9.6    6239.ZK1248.14
## 127   6239.E04A4.7.3    6239.ZK1248.14
## 128  6239.K08F11.5.2    6239.ZK1248.14
## 129   6239.R05G6.7.2    6239.ZK1248.14
## 130   6239.C03G5.1.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 131   6239.C05G5.4.1     6239.ZK836.2a
## 132  6239.C34E10.6.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 133   6239.F42A8.2.1     6239.ZK836.2a
## 134   6239.F43G9.1.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 135   6239.H28O16.1a     6239.ZK836.2a
## 136     6239.MTCE.31     6239.ZK836.2a
## 137   6239.T20G5.2.2     6239.ZK836.2a
## 138    6239.F02A9.4a      6239.ZK652.9
## 139  6239.F57B9.4b.1      6239.ZK652.9
## 140     6239.R07B7.5      6239.ZK652.9
## 141 6239.C16A3.10a.1   6239.ZK1128.1.2
## [[1]]
##    UNIPROT_AC         STRING_id
## 1      Q9XTI0      6239.B0250.5
## 2      Q22347    6239.T08G2.3.1
## 3      Q9XXK1    6239.H28O16.1a
## 4      P46561   6239.C34E10.6.2
## 5      P50140 6239.Y22D7AL.5a.2
## 6      P34575    6239.T20G5.2.2
## 7      Q8I7J4   6239.F57B9.4b.1
## 8      P34666      6239.ZK652.9
## 9      P24894      6239.MTCE.31
## 10     P55954  6239.Y37D8A.14.2
## 11     P24890      6239.MTCE.21
## 12     P19974    6239.E04A4.7.3
## 13     Q09508    6239.C03G5.1.2
## 14     Q09545    6239.F42A8.2.1
## 15     Q23629     6239.ZK836.2a
## 16     Q27257    6239.F49E8.5.1
## 17     Q9XV52   6239.F29C12.4.2
## 18     Q9N3T2     6239.Y47G6A.8
## 19     Q23424    6239.ZK1248.14
## 20     Q18421   6239.C34C12.8.1
## 21     Q9U2M4   6239.Y38F1A.6.6
## 22     Q93714    6239.F43G9.1.2
## 23     P34346    6239.C29E4.8.1
## 24     Q21795      6239.R07B7.5
## 25     Q21452    6239.M01F1.3.3
## 26     O44952    6239.C34B2.6.1
## 27     P34385     6239.F02A9.4a
## 28     Q23125   6239.W02B12.9.2
## 29     Q95PZ2    6239.Y67H2A.4a
## 30     Q94263   6239.K08F11.5.2
## 31     P52713  6239.F13D12.4a.2
## 32     Q17440   6239.B0035.16.1
## 33     Q09644   6239.ZK1128.1.2
## 34     Q18040  6239.C16A3.10a.1
## 35     Q02332    6239.ZK370.5.1
## 36     Q09422    6239.R07G3.5.2
## 37     Q9GYS9    6239.T08B2.8.2
## 38     Q9N361  6239.Y55F3AM.1.1
## 39     P31161   6239.F10D11.1.2
## 40     P53596    6239.C05G5.4.1
## 41     Q9N5N8     6239.H06I04.2
## 42     Q17828     6239.C08F8.2a
## 43     Q9Y0V6 6239.Y66D12A.22.2
## 44     O45319        6239.DY3.1
## 45     O44477    6239.E04A4.5.2
## 46     Q9NAQ9    6239.C47G2.3.1
## 47     Q17754    6239.C06G3.11a
## 48     Q18090      6239.C18E9.6
## 49     Q21752    6239.R05G6.7.2
## [[2]]
##    UNIPROT_AC        STRING_id
## 1      Q9V8M5 7227.FBpp0085821
## 2      Q9VSA3 7227.FBpp0076520
## 3      P35381 7227.FBpp0071794
## 4      Q05825 7227.FBpp0305828
## 5      O02649 7227.FBpp0073290
## 6      Q9W401 7227.FBpp0070871
## 7      Q9VHS7 7227.FBpp0081347
## 8      Q9VYF8 7227.FBpp0073568
## 9      P00408 7227.FBpp0100177
## 10     Q94514 7227.FBpp0081947
## 11     Q9VVG6 7227.FBpp0298344
## 12     Q9V6U9 7227.FBpp0086748
## 13     Q7KSC4 7227.FBpp0083137
## 14     Q9VFJ2 7227.FBpp0082412
## 15     Q9V784 7227.FBpp0086555
## 16     Q9W107 7227.FBpp0072334
## 17     Q9VTM5 7227.FBpp0291478
## 18     Q9VF08 7227.FBpp0082657
## 19     Q94523 7227.FBpp0085736
## 20     P21914 7227.FBpp0085489
## 21     Q9VA02 7227.FBpp0085117
## 22     Q9VQG4 7227.FBpp0077414
## 23     Q9VM33 7227.FBpp0079041
## 24     Q7K7A9 7227.FBpp0086223
## 25     Q7YU24 7227.FBpp0070873
## 26     P48604 7227.FBpp0086795
## 27     Q9W265 7227.FBpp0071759
## 28     Q9VWH4 7227.FBpp0300338
## 29     Q9U915 7227.FBpp0072072
## 30     A1Z746 7227.FBpp0088005
## 31     Q7JQW6 7227.FBpp0288705
## 32     Q7KUT2 7227.FBpp0271918
## 33     Q9V9A7 7227.FBpp0085460
## 34     Q9VAY3 7227.FBpp0084635
## 35     A2VEI2 7227.FBpp0111941
## 36     Q8IMX7 7227.FBpp0302814
## 37     Q7KW39 7227.FBpp0070087
## 38     Q9W5B6 7227.FBpp0070168
## 39     Q9VGR2 7227.FBpp0081828
## 40     Q9VW26 7227.FBpp0074729
## 41     P91622 7227.FBpp0111805
## 42     O46084 7227.FBpp0070350
## 43     Q9W021 7227.FBpp0303832
## 44     Q9VY28 7227.FBpp0073762
## 45     Q00637 7227.FBpp0086226
## 46     Q94522 7227.FBpp0073010
## 47     Q9U4F3 7227.FBpp0076607
## 48     Q9VN03 7227.FBpp0271517
## 49     Q9W2D6 7227.FBpp0071593
## 50     Q9VTN3 7227.FBpp0075820
## 51     Q9VNA0 7227.FBpp0078430
## 52     Q8IN78 7227.FBpp0083078
## 53     Q9VYD7 7227.FBpp0073606
## 54     A1Z6L1 7227.FBpp0085338
## 55     Q94920 7227.FBpp0079772
##    UNIPROT_AC        STRING_id
## 1      Q9V8M5 7227.FBpp0085821
## 2      Q9VSA3 7227.FBpp0076520
## 3      P35381 7227.FBpp0071794
## 4      Q05825 7227.FBpp0305828
## 5      O02649 7227.FBpp0073290
## 6      Q9W401 7227.FBpp0070871
## 7      Q9VHS7 7227.FBpp0081347
## 8      Q9VYF8 7227.FBpp0073568
## 9      P00408 7227.FBpp0100177
## 10     Q94514 7227.FBpp0081947
## 11     Q9VVG6 7227.FBpp0298344
## 12     Q9V6U9 7227.FBpp0086748
## 13     Q7KSC4 7227.FBpp0083137
## 14     Q9VFJ2 7227.FBpp0082412
## 15     Q9V784 7227.FBpp0086555
## 16     Q9W107 7227.FBpp0072334
## 17     Q9VTM5 7227.FBpp0291478
## 18     Q9VF08 7227.FBpp0082657
## 19     Q94523 7227.FBpp0085736
## 20     P21914 7227.FBpp0085489
## 21     Q9VA02 7227.FBpp0085117
## 22     Q9VQG4 7227.FBpp0077414
## 23     Q9VM33 7227.FBpp0079041
## 24     Q7K7A9 7227.FBpp0086223
## 25     Q7YU24 7227.FBpp0070873
## 26     P48604 7227.FBpp0086795
## 27     Q9W265 7227.FBpp0071759
## 28     Q9VWH4 7227.FBpp0300338
## 29     Q9U915 7227.FBpp0072072
## 30     A1Z746 7227.FBpp0088005
## 31     Q7JQW6 7227.FBpp0288705
## 32     Q7KUT2 7227.FBpp0271918
## 33     Q9V9A7 7227.FBpp0085460
## 34     Q9VAY3 7227.FBpp0084635
## 35     A2VEI2 7227.FBpp0111941
## 36     Q8IMX7 7227.FBpp0302814
## 37     Q7KW39 7227.FBpp0070087
## 38     Q9W5B6 7227.FBpp0070168
## 39     Q9VGR2 7227.FBpp0081828
## 40     Q9VW26 7227.FBpp0074729
## 41     P91622 7227.FBpp0111805
## 42     O46084 7227.FBpp0070350
## 43     Q9W021 7227.FBpp0303832
## 44     Q9VY28 7227.FBpp0073762
## 45     Q00637 7227.FBpp0086226
## 46     Q94522 7227.FBpp0073010
## 47     Q9U4F3 7227.FBpp0076607
## 48     Q9VN03 7227.FBpp0271517
## 49     Q9W2D6 7227.FBpp0071593
## 50     Q9VTN3 7227.FBpp0075820
## 51     Q9VNA0 7227.FBpp0078430
## 52     Q8IN78 7227.FBpp0083078
## 53     Q9VYD7 7227.FBpp0073606
## 54     A1Z6L1 7227.FBpp0085338
## 55     Q94920 7227.FBpp0079772