The Bioconductor package DEXSeq implements a method to test for differential exon usage in comparative RNA-Seq experiments. By differential exon usage (DEU), we mean changes in the relative usage of exons caused by the experimental condition. The relative usage of an exon is defined as \(\frac{\text{number of transcripts from the gene that contain this exon}} {\text{number of all transcripts from the gene}}\). The statistical method used by DEXSeq was introduced in our paper (Anders, Reyes, and Huber 2012). The basic concept can be summarized as follows. For each exon (or part of an exon) and each sample, we count how many reads map to this exon and how many reads map to any of the other exons of the same gene. We consider the ratio of these two counts, and how it changes across conditions, to infer changes in the relative exon usage. In the case of an inner exon, a change in relative exon usage is typically due to a change in the rate with which this exon is spliced into transcripts (alternative splicing). Note, however, that DEU is a more general concept than alternative splicing, since it also includes changes in the usage of alternative transcript start sites and polyadenylation sites, which can cause differential usage of exons at the 5’ and 3’ boundary of transcripts. DEXSeq package version: 1.51.0
DEXSeq 1.51.0
Similar as with differential gene expression, we need to make sure that observed differences of exon usage values between conditions are statistically significant, i.e., are sufficiently unlikely to be just due to random fluctuations such as those seen even between samples from the same condition, i.e., between replicates. To this end, DEXSeq assesses the strength of these fluctuations (quantified by the so-called dispersion) by comparing replicates before comparing the averages between the sample groups.
The preceding description is somewhat simplified (and perhaps over-simplified), and we recommend that users consult the publication for a more complete description, as well as Appendix 9.6 of this vignette, which describes how the current implementation of DEXSeq differs from the original approach described in the paper. Nevertheless, two important aspects should be mentioned already here: First, DEXSeq does not actually work on the exon usage ratios, but on the counts in the numerator and denominator, to be able to make use of the information that is contained in the magnitude of count values. For example, 3000 reads versus 1000 reads is the same ratio as 3 reads versus 1 read, but the latter is a far less reliable estimate of the underlying true value, because of statistical sampling. Second, DEXSeq is not limited to simple two-group comparisons; rather, it uses so-called generalized linear models (GLMs) to permit ANOVA-like analysis of potentially complex experimental designs.
To demonstrate the use of DEXSeq, we use the pasilla dataset, an RNA-Seq dataset generated by (Brooks et al. 2011). They investigated the effect of siRNA knock-down of the gene pasilla on the transcriptome of fly S2-DRSC cells. The RNA-binding protein pasilla protein is thought to be involved in the regulation of splicing. (Its mammalian orthologs, NOVA1 and NOVA2, are well-studied examples of splicing factors.) Brooks et al. prepared seven cell cultures, treated three with siRNA to knock-down pasilla and left four as untreated controls, and performed RNA-Seq on all samples. They deposited the raw sequencing reads with the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) under the accession number GSE18508.
Usually, Bioconductor vignettes contain automatically executable code, i.e., you can follow the vignette by directly running the code shown, using functionality and data provided with the package. However, it would not be practical to include the voluminous raw data of the pasilla experiment here. Therefore, the code in the alignment section is not automatically executable. You may download the raw data yourself from GEO, as well as the required extra tools, and follow the work flow shown here and in the pasilla vignette (Reyes 2013). From Section 3 on, code is directly executable, as usual. Therefore, we recommend that you just read this section, and try following our analysis in R only from the next section onwards. Once you work with your own data, you will want to come back and adapt the workflow shown here to your data.
The first step of the analysis is to align the reads to a reference genome. If you are using classic alignment methods (i.e. not pseudo-alignment approaches) it is important to align them to the genome, not to the transcriptome, and to use a splice-aware aligner (i.e., a short-read alignment tool that can deal with reads that span across introns) such as TopHat2 (Kim et al. 2013), GSNAP (Wu and Nacu 2010), or STAR (Dobin et al. 2013). The explanation of the analysis workflow presented here starts with the aligned reads in the SAM format. If you are unfamiliar with the process of aligning reads to obtain SAM files, you can find a summary how we proceeded in preparing the pasilla data in the vignette for the pasilla data package (Reyes 2013) and a more extensive explanation, using the same data set, in our protocol article on differential expression calling (Anders et al. 2013).
In a transcript annotations such as a GTF file, many exons appear multiple times, once for each transcript that contains them. We need to “collapse” or “flatten” this information to define exon counting bins, i.e., a list of intervals, each corresponding to one exon or part of an exon. Counting bins for parts of exons arise when an exonic region appears with different boundaries in different transcripts. See Figure 1 of the DEXSeq paper (Anders, Reyes, and Huber (2012)) for an illustration.
Here we use the function exonicParts()
of the package GenomicFeatures to define exonic counting bins. First, we download a annotation file from ENSEMBL in GTF format, create an txdb object and then run the exonicParts()
library(GenomicFeatures) # for the exonicParts() function
library(txdbmaker) # for the makeTxDbFromGFF() function
txdb = makeTxDbFromGFF("Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP5.25.62.gtf.gz")
## [1] TRUE
flattenedAnnotation = exonicParts( txdb, )
names(flattenedAnnotation) =
sprintf("%s:E%0.3d", flattenedAnnotation$gene_id, flattenedAnnotation$exonic_part)
Note that the code above first converted the annotation GTF file into a transcriptDb object, but transcripts could also start from txdb objects available as Bioconductor packages or from objects available through AnnotationHub.
For each BAM file, we count the number of reads that overlap with each of the exon counting bin defined in the previous section. The read counting step is performed by the summarizeOverlaps() function of the GenomicAlignments package. To demonstrate this step, we will use a subset of the pasilla BAM files that are available through the pasillaBamSubset package.
bamFiles = c( untreated1_chr4(), untreated3_chr4() )
bamFiles = BamFileList( bamFiles )
seqlevelsStyle(flattenedAnnotation) = "UCSC"
se = summarizeOverlaps(
flattenedAnnotation, BamFileList(bamFiles), singleEnd=FALSE,
fragments=TRUE, ignore.strand=TRUE )
All singleEnd=
, fragments=
, ignore.strand=
and strandMode=
are important parameters
to tune and are dataset specific. Two alternative ways to do the read counting process are
the HTSeq python scripts provided with DEXSeq and the
Rsubread package. Both of these approaches are described in
the appendix section of this vignette.
We can use the function DEXSeqDataSetFromSE()
to build an DEXSeqDataSet object. In a
well-designed experiment, we would specify the conditions of the experiment in the colData()
slot of the object. Since we have only two samples in our example, we just exemplify this step
by specify the sample names as conditions.
colData(se)$condition = factor(c("untreated1", "untreated3"))
colData(se)$libType = factor(c("single-end", "paired-end"))
dxd = DEXSeqDataSetFromSE( se, design= ~ sample + exon + condition:exon )
To demonstrate the rest of the work flow we will use a DEXSeqDataSet that contains a subset of the data with only a few genes. This example object is available through the pasilla package.
data(pasillaDEXSeqDataSet, package="pasilla")
The DEXSeqDataSet class is derived from the DESeqDataSet. As such, it contains the usual accessor functions for the column data, row data, and some specific ones. The core data in an DEXSeqDataSet object are the counts per exon. Each row of the DEXSeqDataSet contains in each column the count data from a given exon (‘this’) as well as the count data from the sum of the other exons belonging to the same gene (‘others’). This annotation, as well as all the information regarding each column of the DEXSeqDataSet, is specified in the colData()
## DataFrame with 14 rows and 4 columns
## sample condition type exon
## <factor> <factor> <factor> <factor>
## 1 treated1fb treated single-read this
## 2 treated2fb treated paired-end this
## 3 treated3fb treated paired-end this
## 4 untreated1fb untreated single-read this
## 5 untreated2fb untreated single-read this
## ... ... ... ... ...
## 10 treated3fb treated paired-end others
## 11 untreated1fb untreated single-read others
## 12 untreated2fb untreated single-read others
## 13 untreated3fb untreated paired-end others
## 14 untreated4fb untreated paired-end others
We can access the first 5 rows from the count data by doing,
head( counts(dxd), 5 )
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
## FBgn0000256:E001 92 28 43 54 131 51 49 1390 829 923 1115 2495
## FBgn0000256:E002 124 80 91 76 224 82 95 1358 777 875 1093 2402
## FBgn0000256:E003 340 241 262 347 670 260 297 1142 616 704 822 1956
## FBgn0000256:E004 250 189 201 219 507 242 250 1232 668 765 950 2119
## FBgn0000256:E005 96 38 39 71 76 57 62 1386 819 927 1098 2550
## [,13] [,14]
## FBgn0000256:E001 1054 1052
## FBgn0000256:E002 1023 1006
## FBgn0000256:E003 845 804
## FBgn0000256:E004 863 851
## FBgn0000256:E005 1048 1039
Note that the number of columns is 14, the first seven (we have seven samples) corresponding to the number of reads mapping to out exonic regions and the last seven correspond to the sum of the counts mapping to the rest of the exons from the same gene on each sample.
split( seq_len(ncol(dxd)), colData(dxd)$exon )
## $this
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
## $others
## [1] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
We can also access only the first five rows from the count belonging to the exonic regions (‘this’) (without showing the sum of counts from the rest of the exons from the same gene) by doing,
head( featureCounts(dxd), 5 )
## treated1fb treated2fb treated3fb untreated1fb untreated2fb
## FBgn0000256:E001 92 28 43 54 131
## FBgn0000256:E002 124 80 91 76 224
## FBgn0000256:E003 340 241 262 347 670
## FBgn0000256:E004 250 189 201 219 507
## FBgn0000256:E005 96 38 39 71 76
## untreated3fb untreated4fb
## FBgn0000256:E001 51 49
## FBgn0000256:E002 82 95
## FBgn0000256:E003 260 297
## FBgn0000256:E004 242 250
## FBgn0000256:E005 57 62
In both cases, the rows are labelled with gene IDs (here Flybase IDs), followed by a colon and the counting bin number. Since a counting bin corresponds to an exon or part of an exon, this ID is called the feature ID or exon ID within DEXSeq. The table content indicates the number of reads that have been mapped to each counting bin in the respective sample.
To see details on the counting bins, we also print the first 3 lines of the feature data annotation:
head( rowRanges(dxd), 3 )
## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | featureID groupID
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
## FBgn0000256:E001 chr2L 3872658-3872947 - | E001 FBgn0000256
## FBgn0000256:E002 chr2L 3873019-3873322 - | E002 FBgn0000256
## FBgn0000256:E003 chr2L 3873385-3874395 - | E003 FBgn0000256
## exonBaseMean exonBaseVar
## <numeric> <numeric>
## FBgn0000256:E001 64.000 1250.67
## FBgn0000256:E002 110.286 2769.57
## FBgn0000256:E003 345.286 22147.90
## transcripts
## <list>
## FBgn0000256:E001 FBtr0077511,FBtr0077513,FBtr0077512,...
## FBgn0000256:E002 FBtr0077511,FBtr0077513,FBtr0077512,...
## FBgn0000256:E003 FBtr0077511,FBtr0077513,FBtr0077512,...
## -------
## seqinfo: 14 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
So far, this table contains information on the annotation data, such as gene and exon IDs, genomic coordinates of the exon, and the list of transcripts that contain an exon.
The accessor function annotationData()
shows the design table with the sample annotation (which was passed as the second argument to DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq()
sampleAnnotation( dxd )
## DataFrame with 7 rows and 3 columns
## sample condition type
## <factor> <factor> <factor>
## 1 treated1fb treated single-read
## 2 treated2fb treated paired-end
## 3 treated3fb treated paired-end
## 4 untreated1fb untreated single-read
## 5 untreated2fb untreated single-read
## 6 untreated3fb untreated paired-end
## 7 untreated4fb untreated paired-end
In the following sections, we will update the object by calling a number of analysis functions, always using the idiom dxd = someFunction( dxd )
, which takes the dxd object, fills in the results of the performed computation and writes the returned
and updated object back into the variable dxd.
DEXSeq uses the same method as DESeq and DESeq2, which is provided in the function estimateSizeFactors()
dxd = estimateSizeFactors( dxd )
To test for differential exon usage, we need to estimate the variability of the data. This is necessary to be able to distinguish technical and biological variation (noise) from real effects on exon usage due to the different conditions. The information on the strength of the noise is inferred from the biological replicates in the data set and characterized by the so-called dispersion. In RNA-Seq experiments the number of replicates is typically too small to reliably estimate variance or dispersion parameters individually exon by exon, and therefore, variance information is shared across exons and genes, in an intensity-dependent manner.
In this section, we discuss simple one-way designs: In this setting, samples with the same experimental condition, as indicated in the condition
factor of the design table (see above), are considered as replicates – and therefore, the design table needs to contain a column with the name condition
. In Section 5, we discuss how to treat more complicated experimental designs which are not accommodated by a single condition factor.
To estimate the dispersion estimates, DEXSeq uses the approach of the package DESeq2. Internally, the functions from DEXSeq are called, adapting the parameters of the functions for the specific case of the DEXSeq model. Briefly, per-exon dispersions are calculated using a Cox-Reid adjusted profile likelihood estimation, then a dispersion-mean relation is fitted to this individual dispersion values andfinally, the fitted values are taken as a prior in order to shrink the per-exon estimates towards the fitted values. See the DESeq2 paper for the rational behind the shrinkage approach (Love, Huber, and Anders (2014)).
dxd = estimateDispersions( dxd )
As a shrinkage diagnostic, the DEXSeqDataSet inherits the method plotDispEsts()
that plots the per-exon dispersion estimates versus the mean normalised count, the resulting fitted valuesand the a posteriori (shrinked) dispersion estimates (Figure 1).
plotDispEsts( dxd )
Having the dispersion estimates and the size factors, we can now test for differential exon usage.
For each gene, DEXSeq fits a generalized linear model with the formula
~sample + exon + condition:exon
and compare it to the smaller model (the null model) ~ sample + exon
In these formulae (which use the standard notation for linear model formulae in R; consult a text book
on R if you are unfamiliar with it), sample
is a factor with different levels for each sample,
is the factor of experimental conditions that we defined when constructing the
DEXSeqDataSet object at the beginning of the analysis, and exon
is a factor with
two levels, this
and others
, that were specified when we generated our DEXSeqDataSet
object. The two models described by these formulae are fit for each counting bin, where the data
supplied to the fit comprise two read count values for each sample, corresponding to the
two levels of the exon
factor: the number of reads mapping to the bin in question
(level this
), and the sum of the read counts from all other bins of the same gene
(level others
). Note that this approach differs from the approach described in
the paper (Anders, Reyes, and Huber (2012)) and used in older versions of DEXSeq;
see Appendix 9.6
for further discussion.
We have an interaction term condition:exon
, but denote no main effect for condition
Note, however, that all observations from the same sample are also from the same condition, i.e., the
main effects are absorbed in the sample
main effects, because the sample
factor is nested within the condition
The deviances of both fits are compared using a \(\chi^2\)-distribution, providing a \(p\) value. Based on this \(p\)-value, we can decide whether the null model is sufficient to explain the data, or whether it may be rejected in favour of the alternative model, which contains an interaction coefficient for condition:exon
. The latter means that the fraction of the gene’s reads that fall onto the exon under the test differs significantly between the experimental conditions.
The function testForDEU()
performs these tests for each exon in each gene.
dxd = testForDEU( dxd )
The resulting DEXSeqDataSet object contains slots with information regarding the test.
For some uses, we may also want to estimate relative exon usage fold changes. To this end,
we call estimateExonFoldChanges()
. Exon usage fold changes are
calculated based on the coefficients of a GLM fit that uses the formula
count ~ condition + exon + condition:exon
where condition
can be replaced with any of the column names of colData()
(see man pages for details). The resulting coefficients allow the estimation of changes on the usage of exons across different conditions. Note that the differences on exon usage are distinguished from gene expression differences across conditions. For example, consider the case of a gene that is differentially expressed between conditions and has one exon that is differentially used between conditions. From the coefficients of the fitted model, it is possible to distinguish overall gene expression effects, that alter the counts from all the exons, from exon usage effects, that are captured by the interaction term condition:exon
and that affect the each exon individually.
dxd = estimateExonFoldChanges( dxd, fitExpToVar="condition")
So far in the pipeline, the intermediate and final results have been stored in the meta data of a DEXSeqDataSet object, they can be accessed using the function mcols()
. In order to summarize the results without showing the values from intermediate steps, we call the function DEXSeqResults()
. The result is a DEXSeqResults object, which is a subclass of a DataFrame object.
dxr1 = DEXSeqResults( dxd )
## LRT p-value: full vs reduced
## DataFrame with 498 rows and 13 columns
## groupID featureID exonBaseMean dispersion stat
## <character> <character> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## FBgn0000256:E001 FBgn0000256 E001 58.3431 0.01719172 8.23523e-06
## FBgn0000256:E002 FBgn0000256 E002 103.3328 0.00734737 1.57577e+00
## FBgn0000256:E003 FBgn0000256 E003 326.4763 0.01048065 3.57358e-02
## FBgn0000256:E004 FBgn0000256 E004 253.6548 0.01100420 1.69541e-01
## FBgn0000256:E005 FBgn0000256 E005 60.6377 0.04402967 2.91053e-02
## ... ... ... ... ... ...
## FBgn0261573:E012 FBgn0261573 E012 23.08422 0.0219840 8.400785
## FBgn0261573:E013 FBgn0261573 E013 9.79723 0.2475512 1.155232
## FBgn0261573:E014 FBgn0261573 E014 87.49678 0.0330407 1.118567
## FBgn0261573:E015 FBgn0261573 E015 268.25566 0.0120126 2.598309
## FBgn0261573:E016 FBgn0261573 E016 304.15134 0.0998526 0.146584
## pvalue padj treated untreated
## <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## FBgn0000256:E001 0.997710 1 10.8820 11.0275
## FBgn0000256:E002 0.209370 1 13.5722 13.2500
## FBgn0000256:E003 0.850062 1 18.6029 18.9103
## FBgn0000256:E004 0.680520 1 17.2692 17.7029
## FBgn0000256:E005 0.864536 1 11.1006 10.9937
## ... ... ... ... ...
## FBgn0261573:E012 0.00375059 0.097736 8.47412 6.61692
## FBgn0261573:E013 0.28245649 1.000000 3.79997 5.97080
## FBgn0261573:E014 0.29022728 1.000000 11.94851 13.19130
## FBgn0261573:E015 0.10697781 0.965623 17.26506 18.42453
## FBgn0261573:E016 0.70182189 1.000000 18.14410 18.91295
## log2fold_untreated_treated genomicData
## <numeric> <GRanges>
## FBgn0000256:E001 0.0513596 chr2L:3872658-3872947:-
## FBgn0000256:E002 -0.1036538 chr2L:3873019-3873322:-
## FBgn0000256:E003 0.0895553 chr2L:3873385-3874395:-
## FBgn0000256:E004 0.1283218 chr2L:3874450-3875302:-
## FBgn0000256:E005 -0.0375699 chr2L:3878895-3879067:-
## ... ... ...
## FBgn0261573:E012 -0.832683 chrX:19421654-19421867:+
## FBgn0261573:E013 1.395559 chrX:19422668-19422673:+
## FBgn0261573:E014 0.410997 chrX:19422674-19422856:+
## FBgn0261573:E015 0.341489 chrX:19422927-19423634:+
## FBgn0261573:E016 0.224594 chrX:19423707-19424937:+
## countData transcripts