raer 1.0.2
The raer (RNA Adenosine editing in R) package provides tools to characterize A-to-I editing in single cell and bulk RNA-sequencing datasets. Both novel and known editing sites can be detected and quantified beginning with BAM alignment files. At it’s core the raer package uses the pileup routines from the HTSlib C library (Bonfield et al. (2021)) to identify candidate RNA editing sites, and leverages the annotation resources in the Bioconductor ecosystem to further characterize and identify high-confidence RNA editing sites.
Here we demonstrate how to use the raer package to a) quantify RNA editing sites in droplet scRNA-seq dataset, b) identify editing sites with condition specific editing in bulk RNA-seq data, and c) predict novel editing sites from bulk RNA-seq.
The raer
package can be installed from Bioconductor using BiocManager
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
# The following initializes usage of Bioc devel
BiocManager::install(version = "devel")
Alternatively raer
can be installed from github using
Here we will use the raer package to examine RNA editing in droplet-based
single cell RNA-seq data. pileup_cells()
enables quantification of edited and
non-edited bases at specified sites from scRNA-seq data.
For this example we will examine a scRNA-seq dataset from human PBMC cells provided by 10x Genomics. The single cell data was aligned and processed using the 10x Genomics cellranger pipeline.
The PBMC scRNA-seq dataset from 10x Genomics, along with other
needed files will downloaded and cached using pbmc_10x()
from the raerdata
ExperimentHub package. For this vignette, the BAM file was subset to retain
2 million alignments that overlap human RNA editing sites on chromosome 16.
returns a list containing a BamFile
object, a GRanges
with known RNA editing sites from the REDIportal
database Mansi et al. (2021), and
a SingleCellExperiment
populated with the gene expression data and cell type
pbmc <- pbmc_10x()
pbmc_bam <- pbmc$bam
editing_sites <- pbmc$sites
sce <- pbmc$sce
This dataset contains T-cell, B-cells, and monocyte cell populations.
plotUMAP(sce, colour_by = "celltype")
Next we’ll select editing sites to quantify. For this analysis we will use RNA editing sites cataloged in the REDIportal database Mansi et al. (2021).
## GRanges object with 15638648 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
## [1] chr1 87158 -
## [2] chr1 87168 -
## [3] chr1 87171 -
## [4] chr1 87189 -
## [5] chr1 87218 -
## ... ... ... ...
## [15638644] chrY 56885715 +
## [15638645] chrY 56885716 +
## [15638646] chrY 56885728 +
## [15638647] chrY 56885841 +
## [15638648] chrY 56885850 +
## -------
## seqinfo: 44 sequences from hg38 genome; no seqlengths
The sites to quantify are specified using a custom formatted GRanges object
with 1 base intervals, a strand (+ or -), and supplemented with metadata
columns named REF
and ALT
containing the reference and alternate base to
query. In this case we are only interested in A->I editing, so we set the ref
and alt to A
and G
. Note that the REF
and ALT
bases are in reference to
strand. For a -
strand interval the bases should be the complement of the +
strand bases. Also note that these bases can be stored as traditional character
vectors or as Rle()
objects to save memory.
editing_sites$REF <- Rle("A")
editing_sites$ALT <- Rle("G")
## GRanges object with 15638648 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
## seqnames ranges strand | REF ALT
## <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <Rle> <Rle>
## [1] chr1 87158 - | A G
## [2] chr1 87168 - | A G
## [3] chr1 87171 - | A G
## [4] chr1 87189 - | A G
## [5] chr1 87218 - | A G
## ... ... ... ... . ... ...
## [15638644] chrY 56885715 + | A G
## [15638645] chrY 56885716 + | A G
## [15638646] chrY 56885728 + | A G
## [15638647] chrY 56885841 + | A G
## [15638648] chrY 56885850 + | A G
## -------
## seqinfo: 44 sequences from hg38 genome; no seqlengths
quantifies edited and non-edited UMI counts per cell barcode,
then organizes the site counts into a SingleCellExperiment
accepts a FilterParam()
object that specifies parameters for
multiple read-level and site-level filtering and processing options. Note that
is strand sensitive by default, so it is important to ensure
that the strand of the input sites is correctly annotated, and that the
is set correctly for the strandedness of the sequencing library.
For 10x Genomics data, the library type is set to fr-second-strand
indicating that the strand of the BAM alignments is the same strand as the RNA.
See quantifying Smart-seq2 scRNA-seq libraries for an example of using
pileup_cells() to handle unstranded data and data from libraries that produce
1 BAM file for each cell.
To exclude duplicate reads derived from PCR, pileup_cells()
can use a UMI
sequence, supplied via the umi_tag
argument, to only count 1 read for each
CB-UMI pair at each editing site position. Note however that by default the
argument for the FilterParam
class is set to include duplicate
reads when using pileup_cells()
. Droplet single cell libraries produce
multiple cDNA fragments from a single reverse transcription event. The cDNA
fragments have different alignment positions due to fragmentation despite being
derived from a single RNA molecule. scRNA-seq data processed by cellranger from
10x Genomics will set the “Not primary alignment” BAM flag for every read except
one read for each UMI. If duplicates are removed based on this BAM flag, then
only 1 representative fragment for a single UMI will be examined, which will
exclude many valid regions.
To reduce processing time many functions in the raer package operate in
parallel across multiple chromosomes. To enable parallel processing, a
backend can be supplied via the BPPARAM
argument (e.g.
outdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "sc_edits")
cbs <- colnames(sce)
params <- FilterParam(
min_mapq = 255, # required alignment MAPQ score
library_type = "fr-second-strand", # library type
min_variant_reads = 1
e_sce <- pileup_cells(
bamfile = pbmc_bam,
sites = editing_sites,
cell_barcodes = cbs,
output_directory = outdir,
cb_tag = "CB",
umi_tag = "UB",
param = params
## class: SingleCellExperiment
## dim: 3849 500
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): nRef nAlt
## rownames(3849): site_chr16_83540_1_AG site_chr16_83621_1_AG ...
## site_chr16_31453268_2_AG site_chr16_31454303_2_AG
## rowData names(2): REF ALT
## colData names(0):
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
The outputs from pileup_cells()
are a SingleCellExperiment
object populated
with nRef
and nAlt
assays containing the base counts for the reference
(unedited) and alternate (edited) alleles at each position.
The sparseMatrices are also written to files, at a directory specified by
, which can be loaded into R using the read_sparray()
## [1] "barcodes.txt.gz" "counts.mtx.gz" "sites.txt.gz"
file.path(outdir, "counts.mtx.gz"),
file.path(outdir, "sites.txt.gz"),
file.path(outdir, "barcodes.txt.gz")
## class: SingleCellExperiment
## dim: 3849 500
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): nRef nAlt
## rownames(3849): site_chr16_83540_1_AG site_chr16_83621_1_AG ...
## site_chr16_31453268_2_AG site_chr16_31454303_2_AG
## rowData names(2): REF ALT
## colData names(0):
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
Next we’ll filter the single cell editing dataset to find sites with an editing
event in at least 5 cells and add the editing counts to the gene expression
SingleCellExperiment as an altExp()
e_sce <- e_sce[rowSums(assays(e_sce)$nAlt > 0) >= 5, ]
e_sce <- calc_edit_frequency(e_sce,
edit_from = "Ref",
edit_to = "Alt",
replace_na = FALSE
altExp(sce) <- e_sce[, colnames(sce)]
With the editing sites added to the gene expression SingleCellExperiment we can use plotting and other methods previously developed for single cell analysis. Here we’ll visualize editing sites with the highest edited read counts.
to_plot <- rownames(altExp(sce))[order(rowSums(assay(altExp(sce), "nAlt")),
decreasing = TRUE
lapply(to_plot[1:5], function(x) {
plotUMAP(sce, colour_by = x, by_exprs_values = "nAlt")
## [[1]]
## [[2]]