############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data EnrichedHeatmap ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * checking for file ‘EnrichedHeatmap/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * preparing ‘EnrichedHeatmap’: * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing the package to build vignettes * creating vignettes ... ERROR --- re-building ‘EnrichedHeatmap.Rmd’ using knitr The automatically generated colors map from the 1^st and 99^th of the values in the matrix. There are outliers in the matrix whose patterns might be hidden by this color mapping. You can manually set the color to `col` argument. Use `suppressMessages()` to turn off this message. All signal values are within [0, 1], so we assume it is methylation signal. Automatically set limit [0, 1] to the smoothed values. If this is not the case, set argument `limit = NA` in the function to remove the limits. Set `verbose = FALSE` to turn off this message. All signal values are within [0, 1], so we assume it is methylation signal. Automatically set limit [0, 1] to the smoothed values. If this is not the case, set argument `limit = NA` in the function to remove the limits. Set `verbose = FALSE` to turn off this message. All signal values are within [0, 1], so we assume it is methylation signal. Automatically set limit [0, 1] to the smoothed values. If this is not the case, set argument `limit = NA` in the function to remove the limits. Set `verbose = FALSE` to turn off this message. All signal values are within [0, 1], so we assume it is methylation signal. Automatically set limit [0, 1] to the smoothed values. If this is not the case, set argument `limit = NA` in the function to remove the limits. Set `verbose = FALSE` to turn off this message. All signal values are within [0, 1], so we assume it is methylation signal. Automatically set limit [0, 1] to the smoothed values. If this is not the case, set argument `limit = NA` in the function to remove the limits. Set `verbose = FALSE` to turn off this message. `use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 rows. You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it. Set `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message. `use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 rows. You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it. Set `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message. --- finished re-building ‘EnrichedHeatmap.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘roadmap.Rmd’ using knitr trying URL 'https://jokergoo.github.io/supplementary/EnrichedHeatmap-supplementary/roadmap_normalized_matrices.RData' Content type 'application/octet-stream' length 26598186 bytes (25.4 MB) ================================================== downloaded 25.4 MB Quitting from lines 455-458 (roadmap.Rmd) Error: processing vignette 'roadmap.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: there is no package called 'genefilter' --- failed re-building ‘roadmap.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘row_odering.Rmd’ using knitr `use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 rows. You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it. Set `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message. `use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 rows. You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it. Set `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message. `use_raster` is automatically set to TRUE for a matrix with more than 2000 rows. You can control `use_raster` argument by explicitly setting TRUE/FALSE to it. Set `ht_opt$message = FALSE` to turn off this message. --- finished re-building ‘row_odering.Rmd’ --- re-building ‘visualize_categorical_signals_wrapper.Rmd’ using knitr --- finished re-building ‘visualize_categorical_signals_wrapper.Rmd’ SUMMARY: processing the following file failed: ‘roadmap.Rmd’ Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted