############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### chmod a+r MSstatsTMTPTM -R && C:\Users\biocbuild\bbs-3.14-bioc\R\bin\R.exe CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data MSstatsTMTPTM ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * checking for file 'MSstatsTMTPTM/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'MSstatsTMTPTM': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * cleaning src * installing the package to build vignettes * creating vignettes ... ERROR --- re-building 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Rmd' using rmarkdown Warning: Package 'MSstatsTMTPTM' is deprecated and will be removed from Bioconductor version 3.15 Quitting from lines 129-144 (MSstatsTMTPTM.Rmd) Error: processing vignette 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: Supplied 2 columns to be assigned 3 items. Please see NEWS for v1.12.2. --- failed re-building 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Rmd' --- re-building 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Workflow.rmd' using rmarkdown Attaching package: 'MSstats' The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices': savePlot Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Quitting from lines 93-107 (MSstatsTMTPTM.Workflow.rmd) Error: processing vignette 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Workflow.rmd' failed with diagnostics: Supplied 2 columns to be assigned 3 items. Please see NEWS for v1.12.2. --- failed re-building 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Workflow.rmd' SUMMARY: processing the following files failed: 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Rmd' 'MSstatsTMTPTM.Workflow.rmd' Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted